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Harry had gone to his interview with Reeta Skeeter, along with the other champions. Ron wasn't talking to him anymore, which Tristan had foreseen. He had suspicion that most of their friends would turn against Harry, but he was sure they'd swing right back when everything blew over. That's how easy swayed is the mind of teenagers.

Tristan took his book and went it the astronomy tower for some solitude. He needed to fully understand what he was in for because of a "gift", he didn't ask for ; his powers.

Legere : according to his book is closely related to legilimency, the art of mind reading. But not even someone extremely skilled occlumency prevent a Maleficus from looking into his mind. If Tristan trained enough, not even Voldemort himself couldn't resist him from seeing through his mind.

As incredible as it sounds, every single ine of Tristan's abilities is a double edged sword. Legere, took immense inner strengthen. Initially it would weaken him, but with enough train he could learn to control it. And he can't always choose to look into someone's mind, it could happen on accident.

Tristan hadn't experienced anything Legere related yet. He wondered if he would simply never develop those powers, which were fine by him. But at the same time it was not. A power like that would be rare, only one in the world, he would be unmatched. Then the thought terrified him, was he greedy for power? Was he truly destined to fall, like the dark lord, power driven and evil?

Tristan guard footsteps behind him, he turned around to see Harry, walking towards him with a small smile. Tristan went back to his book. Harry wrapped his arms around Tristan's shoulders from behind, pulling him close.

"I'm the worst boyfriend ever." Harry whispered and kissed Tristan's cheek.

"Yes, you are." Tristan agreed with a sigh.
"How was the interview?"

Harry sighed, miserable, burying his face in the crook of Tristan's neck.

"That bad?" Tristan asked, keeping his book down and turned around a little. Harry looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" Tristan brushed a stand of hair away from Harry's face.

"I will be fine. What about you? Are you still upset with me?" Harry searched Tristan's face.

"Maybe... I don't know. Not necessarily upset, I understand why you would want people to think you're straight." Tristan answered and looked away before continuing.

"But I promise it's different in the Wizarding world. It's more accepting than muggle world, you just have to give it a chance."

Harry nodded, his hands snaked upto the sides of Tristan's neck and rested there.

"I will, believe me. I just need a little bit more time." Harry said gazing into his eyes.

"I know. Take as much as time you want. I'll be here, always."

"Always." Harry repeated. His smile fell for second.

"Ironic, that I wanted keep is a secret because I don't want our friend to hate us but they needed up hating me anyway."

"No one hates you, Harry." Tristan assured him.

"Ron definitely does." Harry sighed.

"He'll come around when he calms down. Give it a day or two." Tristan smiled befire leaning in and brushing his lips against Harry's.

Harry deepened the kiss, savouring the solitude they hadn't had the chance to enjoy in almost a week. When they pulled away, Tristan rested his forehead against Harry's with a sigh.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now