Back To Hogwarts

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Tristan was walking through the endless corridors of Hogwarts, leading nowhere. He was starting to panic. He knew this school well enough now, so why couldn't he reach his destination? Then again he didn't have a destination! Where was he going? He walked and walked and walked. Until...he found himself again.... in the Chamber!

He tripped over something and fell. He could feel some cold liquid beneath him...blood. He looked over and realized he had tripped over a dead basillik. He scrambled to his feat aggressively wiping the blood on his robes.

Not so far from the dead basillik two words were written on the floor in blood.


A fleeting pain ran through Tristan's body. Looking down he saw he was stabbed through and through with the sword of Gryffindor. At the other end of the sword was...


Harry pushed the sword further....

Tristan shot out of bed gasping for air. He looked around and saw he was still in his bedroom back home. His blankets was kicked out but everything else seemed fine. The clock was showing five in the morning. Tristan didn't have to get up for an hour or so. But he didn't want to go to sleep and see something equally horrible in his dreams.

He got out of bed and went straight under the shower. He could still feel the blood on him. The smell and feel of blood always brought back horrible memories he was trying to forget. He scrubbed himself off until his skin turned slight red.

Once he felt clean, he went downstairs and straight to the kitchen only to find their house elf - Eleazer. He was with them for years now. Neither Tristan or Jazebal considered him a servant. Eleazer was a house elf in the Alderidge manor (Jazebal's parents house) and he had sworn to serve Jazebal only out of his respect and love for her.

"Master Scamander is awake early." Eleazer said.

"Just call me Tristan, Eleazer. And oh do you know where mom hid those honey-butter biscuits?" Tristan asked the last part quietly.

Eleazer looked around and nodded.

He then took out a box from deep inside a cupboard and gave it to Tristan.

"Thank you." Tristan hummed opening the box. He passed a biscuit to Eleazer who looked at it then at Tristan. Tristan gave a nod and Eleazer took it.

Tristan climbed on the counter top. He took a bite and smiled.

"Itz Gud!" laughed to himself and continued "I should pack some for Ron."

"Tristan Scamander!" Jazebal called making Tristan jumb a little.
"What have I told you about eating biscuits early in the morning?" she sighs "You'll get sick."

Tristan gets of the counter top, settling down the box.

"You look beautiful this morning." he grinned.

"Flattered, now don't change the subject. Don't you have to get ready? You're going back to Hogwarts today."

Tristan puffed out his cheeks.

"I'm all ready. Just change into something else and we're off."

"Did you check if you packed everything?"

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now