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Tristan was panicking. That was an understatement. The next day arrived sooner than he would've liked. He spent good part of an hour gazing at the mirror and thinking about what to tell Harry. He didn't regret kissing Harry, he had wanted to do that for so long.

Tristan pulled on his pants and shirt in a hurry, he was running late. His hands shook involuntarily, so he couldn't tie his tie properly. He didn't have the time to make his hair look presentable either. So yes he was a mess.

And if that wasn't bad enough, his first class of the day was Defense against dark arts. Tristan rushed into the classroom, gaining everyone's attention. Every single person stared at him, but Tristan only saw one - Harry Potter. He tried not to cringe into himself and walked in. He took a seat next to Ron. Harry was still looking at him, blood rushed to Tristan's cheeks turning crimson.

"What took you so long?" Ron asked.

"I slept in a little late."

That was a lie. And Ron knew it. And Tristan knew that he knew. He had woke up before everyone else in the great hall and left for the common room. He inspected every corner for any sign of Black till the sun came up. Tristan knew it was a stupid move. What was he to do to a murderous lunatic like Sirius Black.

However, Ron didn't have the time to ask further questions. They heard footsteps at the door and to everyone's shock, Professor Snape waltzed in, dramatically closing the windows one by one as he did.

Tristan frowned. He looked at Ron, who was mirroring his expression. As soon Snape had stepped in the whole classroom had gone quiet. He turned towards the whole class said

"Turn to page 394."

Tristan immediately started flipping the pages. His eyes widened a little when he saw the title.

"Werewolves." he muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me sir, where's professor Lupin?" Harry asked. Tristan's gaze shifted to him.

"That's not exactly you concern is it now Potter?" Snape asked gruffly.

Tristan sighed, annoyed.

"He finds himself incapable of teaching at the moment... Now page 394." Snape said walking over to the podium behind them.

"But sir... We just started red caps and hinkypunks. We're not supposed to learn nocturnal beats for weeks." Hermione spoke suddenly, startled Tristan and Ron simultaneously.

"When did she come in?" Ron asked Harry and Tristan. "Did you see her come in?"

They bother shook their heads.

"Quiet." Snape said and walked back to the white film.

"Now who can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf."

Hermione raised her hand. Harry saw Tristan chewing his bottom lip with a faraway look.
He wanted to reach over and touch him. But he restrained himself.

"No one. How disappointing." Snape said slowly, ignoring Hermione completely.

"Please sir." Hermione continued anyway. This caught Tristan's attention.

"An animagus is a wizard who elects himself to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon when he transforms he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend of they cross path. Furthermore, werewolves only respond to the calling of their own kind."

At that Malfoy howled and some of the Slytherins laughed. Tristan rolled his eyes so hard it hurt.

"Thank you Malfoy." Snape stated plainly without taking his eyes off Hermione.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now