First Task

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"Baby, little baby..."

The haunting melody floated through the air, chiiling his very bones, a woman was rocking on the chair. Tristan stood at the door watching. Her black robes cascading around her like a waterfall.

"Mum...?" his voice echoed, almost as if he was under water.

"Tristan? Wake up, you're dreaming." Harry shook his shoulders.

The woman stopped rocking. He couldn't see her face. She had her back to him, she was eerily still now. The room got colder and darker.

"Mum? Is that you?"

The woman rose from her chair, yet she didn't turn around. She slowly looked up at the ceiling. For some reason his eyes followed her gaze. It was pitch black.

Tristan mumbled under his breath. His words were incomprehensible. He shook his head from side to side, his distress evident. Harry upped his face trying to rouse him.

"Tristan, it's alright. It's just a dream."

When Tristan looked back, she was right before him. Her face was hideously mangled, as if from burns. Her eyes were bloodshot. She grabbed his throat. The calloused fingers tightened around his neck.

He tried to fight her off but his hands failed him. He kicked and tried to screw but nothing came out. Her mouth started moving,

"Baby, little baby,
It's time to say goodbye.
Baby, little baby,
I'll miss you, day and night.
Baby, my sweet baby,
I'll write to you, everyday."


Tristan shot out of bed, right into Harry's arms. Harry's arms encircled him, rubbing his back, as he gasped for air.

"It's alright. You're safe." Harry murmured.

Tristan struggled to orient himself. His mind hazy between the realms of reality and nightmare. Harry pulled back and gently held Tristan's face in his palms to ground him.

"It was just a bad dream. You're here now." He softly reassured.

Tristan placed a hand over his own heartbeat. He looked around and it was still dark outside. Everyone else was asleep. He took a deep, long breath.

"...just a dream..." he mumbled as if to convince himself.

Harry brushed the sweat soaked stands of hair away from Tristan's eyes. He was still looking at the Scamander as if be would break any second. Tristan looked down at his sheets, which were drenched in sweat.

"Hey?" Harry whispered, making Tristan lock eyes with him.

"Are you alright?"
He asked just to be sure.

"I think so." Tristan's reply was barely audible.

Harry sighed, looking over Tristan's dishelved form. He gently placed a hand on Tristan's face, his thumb unconsciously caressed the soft skin. Tristan gulped involuntarily, his eyes flickering down to Harry's lips. It's been a couple of days since they've been this close. Although it felt like ages. Tristan relaxed, feeling Harry's thumb brush against his cheek, his eyes closed as he breathed more evenly.

Then suddenly Ron stirred in his sleep, startling them both. He mumbled something and staartedd snoring. Harry sighed heavily. Tristan became acutely aware of Harry's hand on his face. He blinked, then pulled away. Harry felt the gaping chasm between them.

"Thanks." Tristan mumbled, looking at the tangled sheets.

Harry stood up, looking a little defeated. Tristan quickled pulled the blanket up and lied down with his back to Harry. Something tugged at his heart. He wanted to pull Harry into the bed with him. He wanted to fall asleep in Harry's arms again. He wanted to, but he couldn't.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now