A Break

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Hermione skimmed through the book, her face drawn with concentration. Tristan sat opposite her, still trying to process what had happened. She looked up at him, something in her gaze made him stiffen.

"What is it? Do you know anything about this?" Tristan asked, dreading the answer.

"No. In fact I've never heard of anything like this. But this book seems legit, more or less."
Hermione closed the book, keeping it on her lap.

"It's a bit vague though, isn't it?" Tristan wondered.

"It is. Seems like whoever wrote it had only second hand knowledge on the matter."

A silence took over once more.

"How did it feel when I got into your head?" he asked Hermione.

"Hazy, my head felt light for a second. But I couldn't see what you were seeing." she explained.

In legilimency one could see what a legeiliment was seeing, you knew exactly what they were digging into.

"This is scary..." Tristan admitted.

“For now...but if you train yourself, then it will be a real gift.”
Hermione said string the book aside.

“Can I give it back?” Tristan asked, smiling nervously.

“What are you going to do now?” Hermione changed positions, sitting next to him.

“I don't know.” Tristan sighed, “I have other things on my mind.”

“I've noticed.”

“What do you mean?” Tristan frowned turning to look at her.

“I know who you are seeing and how long it's been going on.”. Hermione spoke in a quieter voice.

“I don't think anyone else has noticed but I can see it's getting to you. When they talk about Cho Chang.”

Tristan nodded, but he didn't speak. Speaking about it seemed like a sort of disloyalty. He'd promised Harry to keep them a secret, even though Hermione had found out on her own, speaking aloud about it seemed wrong.

“You can talk about it...about yourself atleast. You don't anyone's permission to talk about your own feelings.”
Hermione reassured.

Tristan sighed heavily and voiced his concerns,

“I'm not jealous not really. Just really sad... if that makes sense. It would be so much easier for him if I was a girl, you know? We wouldn't have to hide, atleast not for the reasons as of now, no one would ask us uncomfortable questions...”

It was the first time he'd addressed the thought. And it already felt better to get it off his chest. Hermione placed a hand over his.

“It's would be even more easier for him if he actually got with Cho, she's pretty and popular. She doesn't have weird powers, no one thinks she's a monster. And he'd be happy with her. I suppose I'm afraid that sooner or later, he'd see it too. He'd see how much she's better for him, in every way.”

Tristan felt a tear slide down his cheek. He wiped it away immediately. But Hermione had noticed it anyway. Her face contorted with empathy and understanding.

“That's not true, Tristan. He's with you because he genuinely likes you and not Cho.”
Hermione said firmly.

“For now.” Tristan smiled sadly.

“Have told him this?”

“Not this exactly, I told him it really upsets me. Anyways, it doesn't matter since there are much bigger things happening.”
Tristan shrugged it off.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now