Hello Buckbeak

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Morning came faster than Tristan would've liked. He forced himself out of bed to get ready for the first day of class. Tristan wasn't big on wearing the several layers of uniform. He thought he looked just fine with the pants, white shirt and Gryffindor tie. Anything more than that made him suffocate. He would carry around the black overcoats or robes with him but rarely wore them.

He was buttoning up his shirt when Hqrry walked in. Harry froze in his steps, looking at Tristan. His eyes travelling the length of Tristan's body, making both of them blush.

"Morning?" Tristan broke the silence.

"Yeah morning. You're early?" Harry questioned.

"No Harry, you are late. Get ready, I'll be in the common room." Tristan said, fixing his tie and walking out with his books.

In the common room, Hermione is already going through some textbooks. Tristan sits down opposite her.

"What could you be possible studying, classes haven't even started yet."

"I'm not exactly studying. Just skimming through them." Hermione corrected.
"Where are Harry and Ron?" she further questioned.

"Still getting ready. You know how it's with them."

"Shall we head down for breakfast?"

"No I told Harry I would wait for him."

Then Ron came down.

"How about Ron and you go down for breakfast. Harry and I will join you later."
Tristan suggested.

"Yeah let's go. I'm starving." Ron declared. Hermione rolled her eyes and followed him out of the common room.

Not so later Harry joined Tristan in the common.

"Ron and Hermione are already gone."
Tristan said as they walked out of the common the room.

"What classes are you taking this year?" Harry asked.

"Potions, Defense against dark arts Ofcourse. Care for magical creatures. I was torn between divination and ancient runes, they are at the same time. But I decided on Divination. Sounds interesting enough and it better be...or i will have to somehow change my classes in the middle of the term. I'm sure Mcgonagall won't appreciate it. But she doesn't expect much from me. I have to thank you for that. After all -"
Tristan turns to look at Harry who was staring at him, almost lovingly. Tristan turns slightly pink under his gaze.

"Admitted I talk a lot but you don't have to stare at me like that." Tristan muttered sheepishly.

"No that's not-" Harry looked away.
"I like when you talk. I like listening to you that's not why I was staring." He said looking back at Tristan.

Tristan smiled at the comment.

"Then why were you staring?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's not important." Harry said, voice almost a whisper.

Soon they were sitting in their regular places in the great hall. Tristan next to Hermione opposite to Ron and Harry. Ron and Harry started animatedly talking about god knows what. Hermione and Tristan started talking about how they can tackle more syllabus together.

Harry kept glancing at Tristan. Sometimes meeting his gaze and immediately looking away. Harry noticed how his brows furrowed and how he bit his lower lip when he was focusing on something. How easily he talked and smiled with everyone.

Tristan didn't have the best appetite that morning. He never had the best appetite for that matter. He has some rare favorites when it comes to food and is a very picky eater. He drank his pumpkin juice and nothing else. Hermione gave him a look that said 'I know you're not eating!'. Tristan paid no attention to that went chatting with the twins.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now