10 Years Later

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⚠️Chapter Warnings⚠️
⚠️ Mention of Smut
⚠️ Language
⚠️ Mention of Suicide


Eddie's Pov

"Eddie! We must go get food!" Venom growls inside the head of his host.

"Five more minutes V," Eddie mumbles as he rolls over and buries his face into the pillow. "S'not like we have work today anyway."

"Yes but we must still eat! You've been neglecting your diet since the invitation and unless you want me to go attack an innocent I suggest you get out of bed!" The symbiote demands of his host.

"Do whatever," The host replies in annoyance, clearly still raw about the whole thing.

Anne and Dan were officially getting married and Eddie's ex had invited him to the wedding. Venom knew Eddie still harbored feelings for Anne, so watching her move on and even marry was hard on him. Venom had been doing his best to cheer up his host but he had spent the last three days in bed drinking. Venom nearly called Anne himself to have her come and knock some sense into Eddie but at the same time he didn't want his host to feel betrayed. Venom sighs but materializes beside Eddie, a small part of him still connected to his host. Venom lies down and wraps his large body around Eddie in the way his host called 'spooning' in hopes of bringing at least some comfort.

"Tch, I'm an awful mate. I'm in love with Anne but I think I just miss what I had. Not.....that I miss before you, I just miss feeling like things could have been different. Having you and Anne would be the best of both worlds but I can only choose one and even then you could still decide to leave," Eddie grumbles, Venom relieved to at least be getting a little somewhere.

"No need to apologize. I know it's odd. Rituals are different on planets but I'm just like you. Something is missing but it's not Anne," Venom admits to Eddie.

"Really?" Eddie asks, finally shifting to look at his symbiote partner. "You feel like we're missing something too?"

"Not to sound as if you're not enough but it's just a feeling I get. Something is out there that will complete us. Perhaps a child? If you'd allow me to breed you sooner we could find out," Venom points out, tilting his head when Eddie goes bright red.

"Absolutely not, V! I am so not ready for a child! Maybe it's a game or some shit? Some kinda kinky thing we both want but can't figure out?" Eddie offers, although he's not really sure what it could even be.

He and Venom had tried so many different things he lost track but that's what his symbiote partner was there for. Whatever Eddie forgot Venom would remember, so Venom knew exactly what it took to get Eddie excited and exploding in endorphins from his orgasm so Venom would remember what it was Eddie did like but couldn't remember.

"Perhaps, but I still desire offspring with you," Venom purrs softly, pressing a kiss to Eddie's neck.

"I'm way too tired for sex. What do you want to eat?" Eddie sighs softly.

"You know what I want but chocolate chip pancakes would do for now," Venom offers.

"Cafe it is," Eddie chuckles, finally pushing out of bed.

Venom retracts into Eddie's body while he gets showered and then dressed, grimacing when he looks in the mirror and sees the bags in his eyes. He seemed thinner too but it would make sense since he hasn't eaten since the damn invitation came in the mail. What? They couldn't come to him or even invite him out to lunch to announce the big news?! He probably wouldn't have taken it any better that way either but it was still frustrating and it still sucked. Venom made it a little better, especially when he admitted he felt the same things Eddie felt. Well, not exactly, but V never lied so Eddie knew they both felt something was missing in their lives. Venom claimed it was a child and that he was capable of giving Eddie the ability to carry one but he wasn't so sure. Maybe a pet?

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