Almost There

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⚠️ Mention of Abuse
⚠️ Starvation


"Thank you all for coming!" Anne smiles as she raises her glass in a toast after the rehearsal, Eddie not actually having any part of it.

"Why would she invite us when we're just a guest?" Eddie mumbles softly to V as Anne gives her speech.

"Perhaps it's to keep you out of trouble?" Venom offers inside of Eddie's head. "Not sure why they'd wanna do something like that."

"I have no idea," Eddie says, hiding his snicker behind a drink of water. "This still feels wrong."

"I still vote busting in and kicking ass," Venom snickers. "Kill them all."

"Not if we don't wanna end up on the run again," Eddie points out.

"But then I get Eddie all to myself!" Venom protests. "It's a fair trade!"

"What about the missing aspect?" Eddie points out.

"Always with the technicalities," Venom huffs softly in annoyance. "You're never any fun."

Eddie smiles at this, listening to everyone practice their speeches and everything. Eddie converses with Vemom in his own little corner, a few of the bridesmaids having brought along their partners so there weren't as many seats available as there should have been. Not that Eddie minded any. He could happily chat away with Venom this way, especially as he endures everything. The feelings were still there even if he and Venom had come to the conclusion Anne wasn't the right fit. After everything is said and done he heads up to Anne and Dan, ignoring the dirty looks he gets.

"We wanted to finally congratulate you both," Eddie explains with a smile.

"Thank you, Eddie. We're so glad you came. Sorry about the lack of chairs, we told all of them to come alone," Anne explains.

"Everything will be much more organized tomorrow so don't fret," Dan explains. "It was just a quick test of the waters. You're free to give speeches to you know."

"Of course! You didn't have to pout in the corner," Anne teases with a smile.

"I was doing no such thing," Eddie chuckles. "I'm happy for you two. I really am."

"Thanks man," Dan says with a grin. "You gonna at least stay for dinner?"

"No, Eddie. I don't want you standing or sitting on the floor," Venom explains. "I dislike everyone else here."

"I'd love to but I'm afraid I should get going. I think if I stay everyone is going to bore a hole in my head," Eddie chuckles. "I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Eddie, you don't need to do that. You're our guest at OUR wedding," Dan reasons.

"It's okay," Eddie chuckles, clapping a hand on Dan's shoulder. "V needs chocolate anyway. See you tomorrow."

With that Eddie and Venom exit the building, Eddie climbing into his car and letting out a heavy sigh. Venom comes out and hovers in front of Eddie, pressing his forehead against Eddie's.

"Things will be okay. No need to fret," Venom assures him gently. We will find the missing link and it'll be okay."

"I'm happy for them. It just hurts that she wouldn't do it for me but will do it for Dan," Eddie sighs heavily. "I guess it hurts to not have been chosen. I know it's my own fault but still."

"Let us order room service and watch awful movies," Venom suggests. "That's always fun."

"Let's do it," Eddie chuckles. "There was a triple decker chocolate cake on that menu."

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