Settling In

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I clutch Eddie's hand as we sit in the police station, my anxiety on high alert as the officer types away on his computer. I constantly glance around in expectation Doctor Mengele is going to come bursting in.

"Y/N," Eddie calls, making me nearly jump out of my skin as I twist back around with wide eyes.

"Y-Yes?" I ask, staring at the officer with wide eyes.

"Did you ever see your captors face? Maybe he told you some names? Anything?" The officer asks. I assume he had previously asked the question when I zoned out.

"O-Oh.....," I trail off, biting my lip.

"Y/N, it's better to have it on record. Just in case," Eddie presses gently.

"Doctor Seth Mengele. The president of the FDA," I tell the officer.

The officer freezes and narrows his eyes as he looks at me, causing me to shrink in my seat and hold Eddie's hand tighter.

"And do you have proof?" The officer questions. "It's going to be your word against his. Not to mention breaking and entering for Mister Brock here. Do you wish to pursue charges?"

"N-No," I mumble softly. "I.....just want to wash my hands of it. I just need my ID and everything."

"I'll put word in that you're heading out to get all of that to better assist you. I will put this all on record and file it away should something come up," The officer explains.

"Thank you," I mumble, heading out with Eddie once everything is taken care of.

I slump in the truck when we're finally in it, a soft sigh leaving me.

"You alright?" Eddie asks gently.

"Yeah," I mumble softly. "Do I have to do the whole Doctor thing? I don't want to keep talking about it. I just want to forget."

"That's not how you deal with trauma," Venom scolds gently. "It'll hurt you more if you don't. We can go with you."

"I know it's not ideal but it is better to talk to someone," Eddie says gently. "We'll help you every step of the way."

I sigh but nod my head, wishing I could just make all of it go away. It was ten years of memories that I was going to have to repeat who knows how many times and I hated it. I just wanted it to stop. I wish so bad I could make everything normal......Eddie and Venom spend the day helping me get records and identification, Eddie using his address as my residence for everything. We return to his apartment at the end of the day, Eddie making some oatmeal for dinner. I do my best to eat but I'm not feeling particularly hungry, mostly just pushing my food around in my bowl. I felt so frustrated. I saw the look the police officer gave me. Seth would never see punishment. He was too big of a hot shot and Eddie and Venom didn't record anything. They were just focused on getting me out of there.

I didn't really want to tell everyone what happened. It felt like a dirty secret that shouldn't be revealed to anyone but now I had to tell a complete stranger everything that happened to me to work through trauma. Couldn't I just write it down and then make myself forget for forever? It would be so much easier. I look up when Venom catches my attention, smiling when he gives me that sharp toothed grin of his. At least I had support from somewhere.

~~~~ 6 Weeks Later ~~~~

"Well?" Eddie asks, watching me carefully.

"No nausea. It actually tastes amazing," I tell him with a smile.

"Yes! Eggs are a go!" Venom chirps happily. "Tonight we're gonna do burgers!"

"V! That was supposed to be a surprise!" Eddie protests with a groan. "Well, now you know. I wanted to celebrate. You've been here a whole month and you're doing amazing."

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