Open Secrets

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"Nooo! It's way too early!" Venom groans as he clings to my body when my alarm goes off.

"Venom, we have to bake some of the treats before it opens!" I laugh as I try to press his arms away. "We can't be late!"

"No, I refuse," He grumbles softly.

"V!" I laugh, twisting around and giving him a good morning kiss. "You can sleep while I work but I gotta go in."

"What do I get if I let you?" He asks, a smirk on his lips.

"Oh? Hmmm, what would you want?" I ask him.

"What do you wanna do?" He asks me. "I wanna do something illegal."

"Well, I've been dying to go sit in a hot tub. Know a place we can break into?" I ask him.

"Excellent!" Venom declares. "I know the perfect place we can break into!"

"I probably shouldn't encourage you," I laugh, getting up and getting ready for the day.

I slip on a hoodie and head out of the apartment and to the bakery, the windy March air causing me to shiver a bit as I walk down to the bakery. I frown when I find it to still be closed, pulling out my phone so I can call Edith.

"Y/N! My darling, I'll be there soon! Oscar came down with the flu so I'm running a bit late. The code is twenty-seven, twenty-eight. You can go ahead and set up," She says.

"If he's sick do you want to stay with him?" I ask with worry. "I can handle things here and if I need help I'll call?" I offer.

"I can't ask you to do that! We're already going to be gone for a week," Edith cries.

"It's okay! I've got Venom. I'll make a baker out of him," I smile. "You take care of Oscar. Plus, it's good practice."

"If you need anything call me. I mean it missy," Edith says, earning a giggle out of me. "Thank you, though. It's going to be a huge help."

"Not at all!" I smile, hanging up the phone and entering the bakery after I punch in the code.

I easily get everything set up for when we open before I get started on the treats. Most everything was same day baked except for specially ordered cakes. Those were made the day before. I smile in delight as I begin baking everything, Venom being lured out by the smells. I let him sample everything I make, laughing when he compliments every single food. I was so glad he approved. Time passes and it's time for the bakery to open. I'm able to easily manage the counter and keep baking in between customers. Venom helps in the back occasionally when I need an extra hand but everything actually goes smoothly.

Things slow down around lunch time, me and Venom hanging out in the back as extra cookies bake for the cases. I sigh and rest back in my chair, keeping an ear out for the bell that let me know someone was there.

"How are you feeling?" Venom asks, snacking on a chocolate cookie as he sits beside me.

"Great actually. It's nice to have something to do when you guys are gone. Well, when you're usually gone," I tell him with a chuckle.

"You got lonely a lot didn't you?" Venom asks, a bit of sorrow in his voice.

"I did but it's okay. I just got used to having you and Eddie around constantly. For once I wasn't having to go a week or more without seeing someone. It just gets lonely," I admit with a small laugh. "So it's nice to have someone waiting for me instead of me waiting for someone."

"I will always wait for you no matter what," Venom purrs, hugging me and nuzzling my cheek.

"Thanks V," I smile, giving him a gentle kiss. "Oh, there's the bell."

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