Your Pov
I'm not sure how much time has passed since my last visit from The Pig but the hunger pains are back again so it must have been a while. I whimper softly as I resist the urge to open my eyes to the bright fluorescent lights, wanting to just stay in the darkness a while longer. I bring my good arm up to cover my eyes, my entire body sticky with The Pigs fluids. He had come down and assaulted me so many times I lost count, using me over and over again until I could no longer move my body. He seemed happy and excited about something but didn't say a word as to why. Was he happy that I was giving in and becoming the pet he wanted me to be? Was that why he was so happy? I honestly had no idea and didn't want to keep thinking about it. His happiness meant he'd be visiting me more and while it would be nice when he brought me food my body was still broken, tired, and hurting so bad.
I sighs softly and move my arm and open my eyes, feeling myself blink from confusion. Was I still knocked out? Was I maybe dead? I swore I could still feel everything. The pain was always gone in my sleep so I had to be awake, plus I could feel myself blinking! So why was everything dark?! The fluorescent lights weren't on and causing my headaches but it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I push myself up from my laying position and try to feel around me. I still had my collar and chain on, my thin mattress was still below me, and my body was still very much broken.
"Hello!" I try my voice, it cracking and echoing in the darkness. "HEY! HELP!"
My heart races in my chest as I look around, feeling my eyes fill with hot tears when I can't get anything to register in the darkness. What was going on?! Why was it so dark?! All my senses were trying to make sense of things, my voice just echoing all around me as if I'm in some kind of void. Was this what it felt like to be in purgatory? Just stuck in an empty space surrounded by nothing but your voice. Was I in hell?
"DOCTOR! DOCTOR SETH!" I scream out in hopes this was just some dirty trick. "PLEASE! PLEASE DOCTOR MENGELE!"
I continue to scream out into the darkness in hopes I could get out of this place, pleading over and over again for the lights to come back on. I so desperately wanted them gone but this complete darkness was even worse. Even more terrifying! What if he had some type of night vision mask?! Was he just watching me scream and beg for my life?! I let out choked sobs and clutch my non-injured hand into my hair as I begin to hyperventilate. My heart pounds in my head and in my ears as I begin to break. No one was coming. No one was coming for me! I would be here, alone, forever......I jerk up when the door to my prison is slammed open, shielding my eyes when a bright light suddenly shines on me.
"D-Doctor?" I whimper softly, trying to drag myself forward with my good arm. "Please? What's going on?! Why did you turn off the lights?! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, just turn them back on."
"Relax, Y/N. Everything is okay. We're here to save you," A deep voice growls, sending shivers down my spine. "Please don't be afraid."
"N-No, I haven't heard another voice in so long," I whimper, afraid they were going to change their mind and leave. " me."
"We are here to do just that," The voice assures me, the flashlight going off right after I make out some kind of large silhouette.
I freeze when what feels like two large claws brush against my neck, holding my breath. Were they going to try and just break the collar? Didn't they have the key?! Nobody could break this thing! It was impossible! I gasp when the collar just snaps in half, my eyes wide as I barely make out the darker figure in front of me. I throw my good arm around its neck when it scoops me up, cradling my bad arm against my chest. I'm surprised at the warmth of the person or thing holding me and relax into their hold. Years of being cold suddenly melting away as I allow myself to just savor it. If this was some kind of dream I didn't want it to ever end. Everything is dark but I can feel us moving and I'm shifted slightly in the large arms as they run.

New Beginnings
Fanfiction"Life is......hectic to say the least. With a symbiote that lives inside you and knows everything there is to know about you things can get......complicated. Venom wasn't bad by any means, he just......" "Just what, Eddie?" Venom growls. "V! Let me...