Happy Now?

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⚠️ Chapter Warning ⚠️
⚠️ Mention of Sexual Assault ⚠️
⚠️ Mention of Torture ⚠️

Your Pov

I groan softly at the pounding pain in my head as I roll out of bed and rush to the bathroom. All that ends up coming up is bile and I regret ever laying a hand on that bottle. I groan and curl up on the floor, resting my head on the cold tile floor. I close my eyes and focus my breathing, hoping the extra intake of oxygen will help my head. I peak my eyes open when a gentle hand rests on my shoulder.

"Quite the hangover huh?" Eddie teases with a snicker.

"No fair. Why don't you have one?" I mumble, whining when Eddie scoops me into his arms.

"Thanks to Venom," Eddie explains.

Suddenly I feel warmth pass throughout my body and my headache slowly diminishes, Venom startling me when he suddenly pokes out of my chest like some horror character.

"Better?" He asks me with that cocky grin.

"Better," I smile, still feeling drained. "Tired though. Can we lay in bed?"

"We?" Eddie asks in surprise, grunting softly when I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle into the crook of it.

"Please?" I ask him.

Eddie and Venom chuckle but get the message, Eddie carrying me back to bed. I crawl under the covers and Eddie does the same, letting me lay on his chest. I can feel Venom's large body against my back before his arm is wrapped around me. I feel like I'm in a protective cocoon and a happy sigh leaves me. Eddie puts on a movie I pay no attention to, relishing in the warmth that surrounds me. That was something I had always taken for granted. Being warm when you wanted to be. My mind wanders back to my time in that room. The cold stone floor, the cold chains, the feel of that shock collar on my neck. The room was always kept cold. I peak my eyes open and stare down at my hand. My fingers weren't discolored anymore......

The warmest I was was during the assaults. Another body on mine that kept me warm, even for a small amount of time. I think back to when Eddie and Venom had rescued me. When they picked me up and I was warm for the first time in a long time. I could always be warm now. I never had to be cold ever again. What was happening with Doctor Mengele now? What was the Pig doing with my absence? He didn't take another girl did he?! I would never wish my torture even on my worst enemy.

"Eddie, what if he replaces me?" I finally ask.

"I'm watching his house so I'll know if he does. Don't worry," He tells me gently. "I promise, no one is going to go through what you went through."

"Thank you," I smile softly. "You're the best."

I sigh in relief and close my eyes. I dive into the comfort of my warmth and just bask in it.

"Eddie!!!!! Fooood!" Venom's voice suddenly cuts through the quiet, causing me to jerk up with wide eyes. "Shoot, sorry Y/N!"

"N-No, you're good. I just zoned out for a while," I tell him with an apologetic smile. "I'm hungry too."

"Then I suppose I should make us a meal," Eddie chuckles. "How does grilled cheese sound?"

"With tomato soup?!" Venom gasps excitedly.

"Can't have grilled cheese without it!" Eddie says with a smile. "Y/N, you want to help me?"

"Sure!" I smile, following Eddie out of bed and heading to the kitchen.

I get out the ingredients while Eddie pulls out the pans, Eddie being patient as I work to remember how to make everything. Eddie steps in when I accidentally put the butter side of the bread up instead of down, flipping it over and adding cheese then the other slice of bread.

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