Eddie's Pov
He grits his teeth when Anne sends Y/N over the edge, quickly stopping Y/N from jerking out all her wires.
"You have to be discharged first or else they won't let you leave," He explains calmly. "It's okay, I'm here now. It'll all be okay."
Eddie climbs into the bed and pulls Y/N into his lap, gently rubbing her back as she completely breaks down. He doesn't even spare the shocked Anne and Dan a glance as he works to get Y/N calm again. Venom slips between us and enters Y/N's body to make sure she didn't pass out again. They both knew this was going to come, they were just relieved they were here for it. Eddie had read enough medical jargon to know everyone went through grief in different ways and that Y/N would have a breakdown eventually. They were terrified to leave but Y/N had assured them she was okay. What if she had done this without them?! Eddie and Venom didn't want to be selfish but they were relieved they got here.
Y/N's sobs slowly die down and so does her shaking as Eddie rubs gentle circles around her back. Y/N's hands gently release from his shirt and Eddie can feel her breathing get even. She slowly goes heavy in his arms, everything putting her back to sleep. Eddie sighs heavily and carefully eases Y/N onto the bed, leaning down into her ear.
"Watch her for me V," He breathes barely above a whisper before her gets out of the bed and turns to the culprits. Well, main culprit. "We can speak outside."
They follow me out into the hall and Dan draws the curtain, Eddie thankful it was so late as there aren't many people. He feels bad doing it but he brings the photos he had taken of Y/N's injuries on his phone, Anne and Dan silent as he scrolls through them.
"Jesus," Dan breathes in disbelief.
"Happy now? She's been through enough shit without you two harassing her. Why can't you two just leave her out of shit? I'm moving on. You two should do the same or I swear to god I will press charges," Eddie growls. "Why were you two even there?"
"We wanted to apologize for everything. We really fucked up and wanted to make it up to you," Dan explains apologetically.
"And you thought the best way to do that was to harass my partner to the point of passing out?" Eddie demands, snapping his jaw shut when he realizes what he just said.
Shit! He hadn't even broached that subject with Y/N! He had no clue if that's what she wanted to be but being away from her made him realize that's what he really really wanted. He had been away for only a couple days and he had missed her terribly. It made it hard to focus on work at times because of little things that reminded him of her. Still, it was too late now and it's the best he could think of to get them off her back.
"Partner? More like charity case. You can't honestly say you're doing this because you love her and not because she's a victim?" Anne demands of him.
"She's not some charity case. Since when do I let charity cases stay in my home?" Eddie demands with narrowed eyes. "Not to say I wouldn't take someone in but I usually get them hotels I don't let them stay with me."
"So you do love her?" Dan asks Eddie.
"And if I do? How I feel is of no concern to you. I'm tired of you two attacking me and her," Eddie growls out. "You both owe her a huge apology."

New Beginnings
Fanfiction"Life is......hectic to say the least. With a symbiote that lives inside you and knows everything there is to know about you things can get......complicated. Venom wasn't bad by any means, he just......" "Just what, Eddie?" Venom growls. "V! Let me...