Lost Hope

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⚠️Chapter Warnings⚠️
⚠️ Held Against Your Will
⚠️ Torture
⚠️ Physical Abuse
⚠️ Assault with a Weapon


I run down the familiar hallway I had run through so many times before. It was pitch black but I didn't need any light to see, especially when I went from bright fluorescent lights to sudden darkness, it was necessary to know where I was going without seeing it. I finally find the end of the wall and I can hear the angry shout of the pig, quickly feeling for the lever that would grant me my freedom. I grin when I find it and suddenly the wall begins to move. I wince at the sudden light but push through into the office on the other side. I slam down the lever that closes the wall before bolting to the next door of the office, my hands trembling as I try the handle. My heart races when it goes all the way down and it opens up, throwing the door open. Just a bit further to go! I run through the door and come out into a hallway, pausing a moment as I glance back before taking a sharp right and running. There would be a window just up ahead that I could get through! So long as I can reach it in time then the sweet taste of freedom would be on my tongue. I reach the window and quickly unlock it before attempting to push up the glass. Much to my horror instead of the sweet taste of outside freedom there's nothing but a projector with a light once the pain as been pushed up. 

I tremble as I take a step back, looking up at the window I thought I had just seen. There's still a window pane there but now that the projector wasn't shining on the 'window' I could see the white of the screen behind the glass, my mouth going dry as I sink to my knees. There really was no way out. I didn't go left because that's where my collar would be activated. To the left was the rest of the house with the hope of freedom, so I came right. I had run both lengths of the hallways in numerous escape attempts but......both ways had finally vested me. Was I really going to be stuck here until the day I died? I barely flinch when I'm roughly seized by the arm, in a shocked daze as I'm pulled back to my prison cell. I groan in pain when I'm thrown roughly to the floor once we enter the room, looking up at the pig when he looks down at me, fury evident in his gaze. What would happen next? What kind of ideas did he have next?

I hear him click his tongue but rather than doing anything to me he walks out, the familiar click of the lock echoing through the room before it all goes quiet. I crawl over to my mattress and just curl up into a ball. I don't scream, I don't cry, I don't do anything except just lay down and stare blankly at the wall. I'm not sure how much time passes but the pig finally returns, a baseball bat in his hand as closes and then kicks the door behind him.

"Up," He orders, but I refuse to move, let alone roll over all the way to look at him.

I can hear his sigh of frustration and the way his dress shoes clicked-clacked against the stone floor until he reaches my bed. Still, I refuse to look at him or even acknowledge his presence. What good would it do anyway? He's just going to make the punishment that much harder. Maybe if I ignore him long enough he'll finally have enough and kill me but that was too easy. Death was just too easy a way out and I knew for a fact he wouldn't let me go out unless it was on his terms and not mine. I grunt softly when he grabs my hands and gets them into shackles before attaching them to a chain on the ceiling that he brings down. He connects the chain to the cuffs but doesn't raise them up like usual, so I'm sitting down as I just watch him work with a blank expression. He gets the shock collar removed and replaces it with a metal one instead, causing me to zone out in wonder as to why.

It takes a few moments of realization and zoning back in for me to realize the reason why, the shin in my right leg now broken. It's when my left shin receives the blow of the baseball bat that I recognize what is happening. I cry out and try to catch the bat in my dominant hand before it hits my shins again but I am rewarded instead with a wrist snapped backwards and in half. He lifts the bat above his head again as I cradle my dominant hand against my chest. By the time he's done mangling me my legs they are black, blue, and purple along with being swollen practically twice their size. The pig stands above me as he pants a softly, a bit of sweat dripping down his face. I don't move, I couldn't move even if I wanted to, I was never getting out of here......was I?

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