Help and Comfort

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⚠️ Marijuana Usage/Mention

Eddie's Pov

He's so excited as he steps through the apartment door, holding Venom tight when he comes to him. He sighs in delight as that feeling of Venom inside of him comes back, grinning as Eddies give him a kiss. Fuck did he miss him. He turns to Y/N but she's already on the move, giving him a kiss and telling him she'd be back before just leaving. Was she okay? What the heck was that?

"That was weird," Venom remarks, tilting his head to the side.

"What happened?" Eddie asks, completely confused.

"Oh.....," Venom trails off, Eddie sensing the guilt in the symbiote. "I got snappy with her. I'm sorry, I didn't want her to sleep and feel bad for not being awake when you got home and I got mad when she tried to explain why you were late."

"V, you gotta be careful," Eddie breathes, grabbing his keys and rushing out of the apartment. "When's her next therapy appointment?"

"Not for another week. Her therapist is out of town remember?" Venom reminds his host. "I should have paid more attention."

"I think I should talk to her about meds," Eddie tells Venom as he climbs into his car. "I know she's doing better but I think it would be a good idea."

"She might not be very willing," Venom mumbles softly. "She might find it offensive."

"It's something we'll have to discuss," Eddie says, driving to Edith and Oscar's house.

He hounds out of the car and up the front steps before ringing the doorbell, relief flooding him when he hears Y/N's voice. Thank goodness, she went where he thought she would.

"She doing okay?" Eddie asks Oscar.

"Better now. Had quite the breakdown," Oscar explains, letting Eddie and Venom inside. "Just so you know she's a little......high."

"High?" Eddie asks confused.

"Yeah. She was so worked up Edith gave her an edible to help calm her down. Was talking about going back to some doctor guy," Oscar explains. "Mengele or something like that. You know him?"

"He's the one who hurt her," Venom explains. "When she gets upset she talks about going back to him because she feels like she's in the way. I shouldn't have snapped at her. She's seeing a therapist to work through it but she still struggles."

"Sadly she'll be dealing with that for the rest of her life," Oscar explains, closing the door once Eddie and Venom are inside. "Edith was in an abusive relationship and even though it's been thirty years she still talks about me being better off if she had stayed with the guy."

"Really? I never would have guessed," Eddie says, looking at Y/N and Edith in the living room. "I know she's working on it but I get worried she might actually do something."

"She might run off and go back to the guy," Venom explains. "We just worry."

"Just gotta make sure she knows you're going to be there no matter how dark her thoughts get guys. It's not easy, trust me I know." Oscar says with a chuckle. "Y'all might have to make a food run though. She might not remember everything when it wears off but it will stick whatever you tell her."

"Oscar! Edith says you make the best nachos!" The three men hear Y/N shout from the living room, her voice a bit thick.

"Must be getting cotton mouth," Eddie snorts in amusement. "I want the Oscar famous nachos."

"Edith! You can't reveal all my secrets!" Oscar laughs once the three men are in the living room.

"Eddie! Venom!" Y/N chirps, hanging her head off the back of the couch. "You two look funny upside down. This feels weird. My head feels heavy."

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