⚠️ Symbrock Lemon
Eddie's Pov
"Y/N?" Eddie calls out, settling against the bar as his heart races in his chest. "Can we talk?"
"Sure! Just waiting for everything to cook now!" She smiles, leaning against the bar when she turns to him. "What's up?"
"I.....," He trails off, his head racing with a million thoughts. Could he do this?
"Eddie?" She calls out, gaining his attention. "Is everything okay?"
"That's what I wanted to ask you," He admits to her. "I know you want to work and I don't want to stop you but to be honest I'm scared. I'm scared you're going to meet people and want to leave. I know it's only been a few months. Hell, it was only two weeks ago we had a kiss but I never said the words to make it official."
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" She asks him with that patient smile that always puts him at ease. "I'm sorry I never mentioned it but I have been considering you and Venom my boyfriends. I just assumed it after the hospital."
"You have?" Eddie asks, sparks of hope filling his chest. "You want to be our girlfriend?"
"Yes I do," She tells him with a smile. "I would love nothing more and I want to work because I want to contribute to everything too. I don't ever want you to feel like I'm taking it for granted or taking advantage of you."
"I would never think that! You've been thrown back into the world after ten years. I want to support you in all that you do and if it is working I will support you. I'm just scared," He admits. "I fucked up things with Anne. I used her to get ahead and I shouldn't have. I don't want to do anything that makes me lose you."
"Eddie," She says gently, walking around the bar to come and give him a hug. "You won't lose me. I love you and Venom. You two have been the reason I can even keep going. I don't want to lose either of you either."
"I love you too," Eddie breathes, holding Y/N tight.
His body shakes and without meaning to he starts crying, soft hiccups leaving him. She shushes him gently as she rubs his back, letting him just get all of his feelings out. He didn't mean to break down but he had so much tension and feelings built up. He'd been keeping all of this in so it felt nice to finally talk about it. He calms down after a little while, sniffling softly as he lets Y/N pull back from the hug. Her soft and gentle hands come to cup his cheeks and his eyes widen when she suddenly gives him a kiss. He's taken by even more surprise when her tongue darts into his mouth after he gasps, his eyes sliding closed as a gentle moan leaves him. He can feel her exploding every inch her tongue can reach, tasting her as her tongue slides against his.
He pants softly when she finally pulls back, her eyes lidded as she gives him a gentle smile. It was like she had just snatched all of his worries away. His body slumps and he gives her a smile, a soft giggle leaving her before she comes back for another kiss. He responds this time, his tongue meeting hers as they press against each other. He manages to win the wrestle and he's exploring her mouth next, enjoying the taste of her. She tasted of peppermint which he assumed she'd been sucking on while cooking and he'd never loved the taste more than he does down. They both pant softly when they pull apart, Y/N's thumbs gently stroking Eddie's cheeks as she rests her forehead against his.
"I don't get an invitation?" Venom pipes up, Eddie smiling as Y/N lets out a laugh. "Geez, making me feel like a third wheel here!"
"Do you want kisses too?" Y/N asks Venom with a smile.
"Is that even a question?" Venom demands, materializing beside Eddie as his large humanoid body.
Venom towers over Y/N but leans down to meet her, her arms wrapping around Venom's neck and pulling him close as she kisses him. Eddie smiles, his cheeks flushed as he watches Y/N work her magic on Venom. It doesn't take him long to dominate though, Eddie freezing when Venom earns a moan from Y/N. He presses his hands into his lap as the noise does things to his body. He wanted more of those sounds.

New Beginnings
Fanfiction"Life is......hectic to say the least. With a symbiote that lives inside you and knows everything there is to know about you things can get......complicated. Venom wasn't bad by any means, he just......" "Just what, Eddie?" Venom growls. "V! Let me...