The Reason

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⚠️Chapter Warnings⚠️
⚠️ Held Against Your Will
⚠️ Torture
⚠️ Physical Abuse
⚠️ Assault with a Weapon
Essentially part of the previous chapter just from a different point of view!


Eddie's Pov

"So, how do we even meet him?" Venom asks, hovering over Eddie's shoulder as he types away on his computer.

"We just arrange a meeting," Eddie explains, his email open as he types away on his keyboard.

"Lame!" Venom groans in annoyance. "We should just barge in there! I'll slaughter all of them!"

"And if she's not at his home? How do you expect us to find her if we just slaughter everyone?" Eddie questions his partner with a chuckle. "We gotta be smart about this."

"And if this just alerts him?" Venom points out. "He'll just move her."

"And we'll know," Eddie says, grabbing his phone and pulling up surveillance footage. "I already hacked his house. I'm sure you're right as I'm assuming she's in there as well. How else can he hide her for ten years?"

"Eddie, what if he......," Venom trails off, not wanting to say the words and potentially upset Eddie.

"Then hopefully she can forgive us. This will be the easiest way to get into his house. I'm going to ask for an exclusive interview," Eddie explains. "Everyone wants an exclusive interview with me. I'll just sell it to the newspaper here."

"More money," Venom chuckles. "If you add it to your blog he'll just get more fame. We're not going to kill him are we?"

"We can't. We meet him and he suddenly dies by some monster? We just barely got the feds off our back. He can't report it to the police without it risking everything," Eddie points out. "It's the safest thing we can do."

"We'll come back and kill him though?" Venom asks, growling when Eddie doesn't answer him. "We can't just let him get away with it!"

"I don't want that either but we don't have much of a choice, V! We can try to come back but I don't know when we'd be able to," Eddie sighs, the frustration clear. "I don't want to just let him walk free but we're kind of tied at the moment.

Both creatures knew this and they hated the fact but Eddie was right. They were still being watched by the feds and if some hotshot was suddenly killed after being visited by the one and only Eddie Brock, he and Venom would be stuck on the run again. They both disliked the idea of just letting the dude walk but right now they had to focus on getting Y/N out of there and to safety. Venom goes to speak but before he can Eddie is suddenly clicking out of his email draft on on another email, Venom going silent as he comes to read it as well.

Eddie Brock,

So, you've made it to Maryland. Do not ask how I know this but I must say I appreciate your quick response. Doctor Seth Mengele hasn't been to the office in over a week and his wife has been conversing with me. She believes he's cheating which only further confirms the suspicions I have. I'm sure he's sensed her unease which would explain the sudden vacation and she's been texting me all week about all the sweet things he's been doing for her. Their anniversary is the day before your friend's wedding so perhaps our friend will get a bit of a reprieve or he'll have his fun with his wife and then have his fun with her.

I'm going off on a tangent here aren't I? Anyway, you're there and if he truly does have Miss L/N then that means she'll soon be rescued. I can only imagine the horrors. We used to be good friends, Seth and I, and he's told me some of his desires. Of course, he kept it as PG as he could but that dark look wasn't hard to miss. He wanted a toy. Someone he could live out his wild fantasies with. I won't mention them here but they weren't kind, I can tell you that much. Still, if she's still alive and she's been with him this long she must still have some kind of strength left don't you think?

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