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⚠️ Kidnapping/Mention of Kidnapping
⚠️ Drugging

Mengele's Pov

"Do you mind serving this drink to that girl?" He asks the waitress with a smile. "She just looks so sad and could use a drink. Just don't tell her it's from me."

"Of course," She smiles. "I'll get her the drink right away."

He watches the waitress leave, continuing to hide behind his menu as he watches Y/N. He watches her smile and thank the waitress. He sets down his menu and slips out of his chair, casually walking past Y/N who turns to dig through her purse. He easily slips a drug into her drink like he did all those years ago and continues walking, heading to the bathroom. He grins in the mirror and messes with his hair before returning to his table. He pays for his drinks and then gets up and leaves, waiting in his car for Y/N to come out. The drug didn't work fast but when it did work it knocked a person out dead cold. That's how he would get her.

He watches her head back to the hotel and follows after her, pulling into the parking lot as if he were a guest at the hotel. He watches her head inside and he follows after a few hours. He lies to the receptionist about losing his key and his 'daughter' was already in the room. He's able to play it well and he's given the key to her room. He walks down the hallway, excitement building inside of him as he takes his time. He enters her room and just as he expected she's out cold. He scoops her into his arms and leaves out one of the back doors, taking her to his car. He sets her in the backseat and drives home carrying her inside.

There's a skip in his step as he takes her back to her cell. He removes all of her clothes and chains her up, her hands chained behind her back and her legs chained to a spreader bar. She looked healthy like she's been eating well. She's still covered in scars and he traces them, remembering all of the ways he had made them appear on her skin. He grins at the ideas that flash through his mind of what he wanted to do to her. There was just so much and he couldn't wait! He wanted her so badly and couldn't decide if he wanted to take her in her sleep or wait until she woke up. He opts to wait but he does stand above her and jacks off a couple times, splattering her in his cum. He couldn't wait to pump her full of his seed.

He heads upstairs and decides to sleep while he waits for her drugs to wear off. His wife went out of town this morning so he was going to get so much alone time with Y/N. He couldn't wait to completely destroy her again. She would never escape from him again. Maybe he should break her arms and her legs. It wasn't like she was going to need them anyway. If she soiled herself he'd just hose her down, simple enough. He sighs happily and easily falls asleep, feeling happier than he had in a while.


Your POV

I groan softly when I finally wake up, my head heavy as I pick it up. Ugh, I had a headache. I blink the sleep from my eyes, freezing when my vision clears. I knew this was the plan but my heart fills with dread being back in my prison again. I squirm and grimace at the dried fluid on my body. Ugh, this man was so disgusting.

"Sorry, couldn't do much there," Venom said, popping out.

"It's okay. I'll just need a seriously hot shower," I tell him with a grimace. "What's the plan next? Are they going to try catching him in the act?"

"Pretty much. Eddie and Lisa will secretly follow him down here and film everything," Venom explains. "You doing okay?"

"As best I can," I admit with a sigh. "I'm not as freaked out as I thought I would be though."

"That's good. I know you're not a fan of this but it's our best bet. You're supposed to see Thema today so she'll be able to vouch that you were kidnapped. Plus Eddie has likely tested your drink and you'll have drugs in your system," Venom explains. "And I grabbed that bottle and it's got his fingerprints all over it."

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