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⚠️ Sexual discussions
⚠️ Lime (Slight sexual activities not full intercourse)
⚠️ Mention of Abuse

"Yessss! This feels amazing!" Venom cheers as he uses my body to run around the city. "I could get used to this!"

"Venom! We're supposed to be swimming!" I laugh inside of my head at him.

"Sorry! It just feels so nice with you!" Venom laughs. "Okay! To the pool!"

Venom takes us to a closed recreation center, everything dark and deathly quiet. He slips through the floors until we reach the pool, my eyes widening with excitement at all the water slides.

"Can we turn them on?" I asks hopefully.

"Absolutely! Guards won't be back for another two hours so we have that time to play!" Venom announces.

I squeal with excitement and hurry to one of the stairs for the slide, bounding up the steps two at a time until we reach the top. Venom comes out in his large form and seats me on his lap, the two of us riding down it together. Over and over again we ride down the slides, splashing at each other as we swim. I was thankful to see I could still swim despite it being ten years since I last stepped foot in such deep water. As our last hour ticks by we both relax in the hot tub, enjoying the bubbles the jets make as we sit against them.

"This was so much fun," Venom sighs with delight as he sinks into the water.

"No kidding," I sigh as I just let my body relax. "This is amazing."

"You're a blast you know that? Bet you had lots of friends," Venom tells me.

"Not at all. I was always in the science lab during my free time and my parents let me convert the basement into my own personal lab. I didn't really pay any mind to people and they had more fun making fun of the nerd. I had a few friends and they would always wonder why I had so few friends since I was the 'party friend'," I explain. "They wanted to have fun but not build anything major as a friendship."

"Well, I would have been your friend not just to make you the 'party friend'," Venom tells me with a chuckle.

"I had a thing for bad boys you know," I purr, shifting closer to Venom and snuggling myself against his arms. "You'd have made my panties drop so fast."

"You kidding? I'd be so desperate I'd be jerking off in the school bathroom to a picture I tore from the yearbook," Venom purrs back. "I'd have so many socks at home."

"Oh yeah?" I giggle, straddling his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. "What else would you have done?"

"Oh? Feeling bold are we? Well, I'd find a way to get close to you. Become needy for you so I ask you to be my tutor. I'm slow and easy as I slowly make you fall in love with me. I'd make it like we were in a romantic movie," Venom breathes, a shiver running through me as he licks up my neck.

"You'd be the beast to my beauty. I know I shouldn't fall for you but I do anyway, scared you won't feel the same. Waiting to get my heart broken but living in the moment," I breathe out, pressing kisses to Venom's neck. "I'd let you tempt me until you left me after having your fill."

"Only that isn't until the day I die. I'll never have my fill of you," Venom breathes, the two of us coming together in a steamy kiss.

My hands wander his body as I slide them along his shoulders and down to his chest. His claws suddenly grab my breasts, gentle despite their menacing appearance. I moan out softly and press another kiss to his lips, the two of us just slowly feeling each other. I grind my hips against Venom's lap, whimpering softly when I feel his arousal as well. Our tongues tangle as I grind my hips against Venom's lap over and over again, whines of pleasure leaving me. The excitement fills my body as we press and rub together, hungrily seeking out kiss after kiss from Venom.

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