Chapter 2

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Sugar Mommy

Chapter Two

Dolores Miller

"Hermano!" I yelled, running towards the gates the lead to my brothers room. "Hermano!" I called out to him again, as he turned his head to me from his bed, his hands holding a book gently.

"Si, mi reina?" He smiled, closing his book so his attention was entirely to me.

"How do I look?" I showed off my new red gown, turning around on my heel, letting the gown surround me like a flower.

My brother's smile grew wide, as he reached in the top drawer on the table at the side of his bed. He took out a white, pearl necklace, decorated in rubies and circled around me, putting the jewellery on my neck.

He turned me around, so I was facing him now.

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear before stepping back one step, looking me up and down before clapping his hands slowly.


Indeed, we looked perfect when together.

Haru Norman

I sighed, staring teacher who was blabbering something about how to grow a business and how to strengthen allies, not really paying attention to it.

Who cares? I finished the whole syllabus of this year last month anyways.

The bell rang, making a few relieved groans echo from the lecture hall as students got into their groups, laughing and chatting among themselves.

I took my notebook and walked towards the exit, ignoring the few eyes that were staring at my every move.

Most of the people in my university were re-doing their masters and courses (like me) and were pretty old, the oldest student in our class being 29 years old. That's why, a good most of them were more mature, and new better to mind their own business and not stare at everyone.

I liked that about this university.

However, there were a few who couldn't help but put their noses, or even let out a peak or glance in someone else's business.

As I was about to step out of the campus, I saw them.

Ally and the principle's son, Oliver were half- naked while making out at the dark corner of a wall. Ally was a moaning mess and even Oliver couldn't hold back a moan every now and again.

"Is that Oliver with Ally?" 

"I thought he was dating Mia." 

"Why are they doing that so out in the open?"

"I guess she really does sleep around with every guy."

"What a man-whore."

The whispered echoed in my ear as I looked away from the couple and starting walking to the exit when a single whisper caught my attention.

"I feel bad for Haru. She really did him dirty."

Is this really what I've come to? People are sympathizing with me now? Am I that pathetic?


I sat on a bench, staring at the sunset that was no doubt beautiful, yet not breaking a smile.

What is there to smile about anymore?

"You're not worth me, anyways."

"Never mind, I wouldn't have even thought of giving you a chance even if you proposed."

A calm wind blew past me as I inhaled the scent of newly bloomed dandelions around the field of greenery, when someone sat beside me.

I looked up and saw a young looking woman with crystal blue eyes and wavy light brown hair reaching up to her waist.

She was gorgeous.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She spoke, starling me out of my trance as she gazed at the sunset.

"Y-Yes, very." I said, looking at the breathtaking view of the setting ball of light.

"You don't seem very happy." She turned her focus on me. "Mind telling me what's wrong?"

"It's... nothing." Fuck yeah its nothing. Only the fact that I'm starving, I just saw my crush with another guy, the campus is taking pity on me and that I can be homeless any goddamn moment. "Everything is okay." I said to her, more to myself.

"You could tell me." She sat upright, so now she was facing me completely. "I'm a stranger after all so if you tell me, I could do no harm to you with it."

She was right.

I didn't know her, I didn't fight with her or hurt her. She couldn't use it against me, let alone let it be of any matter.

Should I just tell her?

"There's this girl." I hesitantly started, "She used to be my crush but she rejected me not too long ago. And today, I saw her with another guy. I really thought I loved her but now... I don't really know anymore. What's worst is that the entire campus either hates me or takes pity on me. I don't want anyone to sympathize with me, I just..." No more words came out.

The woman sighed, nodding her head. 

"It's times like these where we really pray that whatever we felt, wasn't love." She looked at her lap. "It has pain hidden between the beauty. Pain that has no medicine."

"I just don't know anymore. I really loved her-"

"Are you sure about that?" She interrupted me, not looking up from her lap.

"W-What?" I blinked my eyes at her.

"Are you sure you loved her?" She finally looked up, looking directly into my emerald orbs. "Tell me, boy, what is love to you? What is it that you think is love?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"See?" She exhaled deeply, looking ahead at the dark sky that had a moon on it now. "You don't even know what love is, yet you claim to love a girl who clearly didn't give a shit."

"Well, then since your such a love-guru, why don't you enlighten me?" I snapped, a bit too harsher than I meant to. But she didn't seem fazed. "Tell me, what is love to you?"

She looked at me for a single second before turning back to the sky. "Love is when someone gives you dreams like no other. When someone becomes your moon and sun. Love is a bond that writes its own story."

I went silent for a single moment before speaking again. "I-I really did love her! Believe me, I did!"

"Are you telling that to me, or to yourself?" She answered, almost immediately. 

I went quiet, which gave her a chance to speak again. "Love is meant to make you happy."

"It did make me happy!" I pleaded once more. "It gave me unconditional happiness!"

"Really? A happiness so unconditional that it made you cry behind a tree, all alone?" She reasoned back.

I put my head down, staring at my lap like she was earlier, until something clicked.

"Excuse me," I turned towards her. "But how did you know-" Interrupted myself when I saw an empty space in where she was seated barely a few seconds ago.

A gust of strong wind came bolting by, making me cover my face with my hand to avoid the soil that came with the wind was blowing, before standing up and looking around.

No one.

Absolutely no one.

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