Anyeong Seoul

702 17 2


Then we arrived at the airport. The driver take all of our luggage out and we went directly to check in since its almost 7 already.

"So what flight are we on?"

"Korean air business class"
O-O business class? Wow I never tried business class. My mom told me that it is very expensive. It usually cost twice of the economy class price. I am pretty shocked myself. Well I guess this is living luxury. I didn't realize I was day dreaming until Tina asked me

"Are you okay? You kept staring at me"

"Yeah I'm fine" I answered while being embarrassed
She smiled at me. She gave me a look saying I get it

"I know it might be hard ,but you have to learn to get used to it"
I just smiled at her. Well I guess she got me. We went to this exclusive check in line and check our self in. I looked at my boarding pass and the boarding time is 10 minutes away. We went to the boarding area. I am scared that the plane might leave us and the boarding area is really far away ,but then I looked at Mary and she seemed so calm.

"Aren't we supposed to rush a bit?"

"Don't worry the plane will wait"

I gave her a shocked look ,but again she seemed normal with it. We even stopped to buy some coffee before continuing to walk. It is 7.30 already and it is the last call for our flight. Then I saw a sign and that is boarding area. We directly get inside the plane without any queue. We went to our seats and it is spacious.

I always dream to seat in the business class and here I am. In front of me there is a tv. I checked on it and all of them are new movies. I choose the watch Insurgent ,but while I was watching it was cut of for boarding. I have to wait 15 minutes and the tv turned on again and I continue to watch insurgent. Just 15 minutes later we are served with our food and it looks yummy. It was a spaggeti carbonara.

My favorite spagetti. I directly eat it while watching the insurgent. After eating for 15 minutes I was done. They directly take the plate and served me with some coctails. It was really delicious. This is the life of my dream. I will easily get use to it ,but then I remembered my mom and dad in Indonesia. I miss them. I almost cry ,but I keep myself strong.

Then I heard pat on my shoulder and there is food in front of me and it is kimchi and some korean barbeque. Yayy I just love kimchi and korean barbeque. I eat it while watching fast and furious 7. It is one of the best day of my life. After 2 hours the captain said that we are landing in Seoul and it is 6 pm Seoul's time.

It was a long flight. After landing we directly take our luggage. Just a moment after we got our we see our name in a driver's sign. When I was about to go to the driver someone bump and me and his burger is trown to my clothes

"I''m sorry, should I" he took a tissue and he cleaned my clothes

"Yahh, why are you touching me"

"Miahe I--" when he was about to finish his sentence, my assistant called me

"Aiishh I have to go, you owe me one. I will not forget you"
Then I left him with frustrasion all over me.

"Omo what happen to your clothes"

"Someone bump at me"

Then we went to the car. The driver carry our luggage and put it inside a car. I directly went in. It was luxury car. It is well furnished.

"Where are we going to stay?" I asked

"We are going to stay in your mom's best friend's house. Your mom and dad is currently in America. She wanted you to stay there"

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