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The next day after the dinner with the Lee, which I hate. I returned to school , I was about to wear my usual clothes ,but the I actually felt weird in those.

So,I wore a white blouse and some black skirt. Its quite a while since I wore these ,but I guess bad girl ain't my style. I went out of the room and my maids stared at me like something is work ,but I just shrug them off.

I went downstairs, ate my breakfast and went to school. Just like my maid's reaction they also looked at me.

"Anyeong"Sehun the maknae greeted me

"Anyeong" I said with a smile. I guess everything is getting better now and I started chatting and joking with them. When I arrived in class I mouthed Jeha


"Welcome" She answered back

If it wasn't her I would still her enemies with EXO.I guess their reasons are good enough. The whole class was like usual again. Like the start when I went to Seoul. I packed my bags since its time to go home ,but when I was about to go home a guy pulled me.

"Hey stop"I shouted but he put a hand on my mouth and dragged me into a van. Am I gonna be kidnapped? ,but then he released me in the van. Oh its him, the guy who told me about the plan. He handed me a document

"What is it" I took it and read it

5pm today, your parents will not be home.The key is in the windows of your parent's room. Then you will take a folder inside your father's home office. A folder on his table's top shelf.Take it and we will give you other instructions.

I gave him back the document and left. Just then my car arrives and I went in but I can't help to shake. I am going to get into my father's room. Get yourself together Se Na.

I went to my room after going home. Taking deep breaths. 4.50,the clock shows. 10 more minutes. Just then I heard footsteps,

I opened the door and saw my parents leaving. I waited for them to leave and saw the clock again 5 pm time to go.

I walked slowly to my parent's room which is at the other hall beside mine. I walked slowly and luckily no maids are around. I got in without anyone seeing.The room is as I suspected it is huge and filled with wooden and black furnitures

I looked over the windows each one of them.

There are around 5 windows in my father's room ,but there are no keys. Just when I gave up searching , I saw a painting, a painting of a girl looking by a window. I took the painting of and there lays the key. I took it and left immediately.

I went to my father's room with is at the farthest west of the house. I sneak up slowly. The hard thing is that my father's office is full of glass and I could be easily caught. So, I walked slowly and ran towards the office.

I unlocked the office with the key and hid behind the furnitures trying to not be seen. Then I saw my father's desk and went there hiding under the table.

I opened the first shelf which is luckily not locked and took a folder of documents. Got it, the suddenly I heard my father's voice coming.

I hid under the desk not risking peeking over ,but luckily it went away. I sigh and ran to my room. I opened the document reading it troughly.

It was the plan of what they should do to me. From EXO to Minji is all here, it will put an end to this, it will stop my parents and SM ,but it will ruin EXO and Minji's life. They will be known as pawns ,as ruthless, merciless people who played someone's life.

If this gets leaked. Wait that's what the want, to get it leaked.

I, I can't. I can't do this. As much as they did to me, I am not cruel enough to do this. to do the same thing they did to me. That will put us the same.

And the fact that we, I and EXO, made up now. It hurts me more, they didn't have a choice yet they have to suffer.

A message disturbed me from my thoughts

"Do you have it with you"

'Yes I do ' but I know I can't answer that

"I need more time" I answered him

"You already have the chance and specific instructions"

"You don't know the condition,give me time"

"Fine tomorrow"

That isn't enough. I need more time to figure this out ,but its my own fault I agree to this. Why would I agree to this. I hid the document on my closet and locked it. What should I do? There is no turning back, not now. What should I do? Protect myself or protect them?


A faster update since I am on my holiday

This book is coming to an end

Maybe just in 2-3 more chapters

Thx guys for all the support and please keep supporting till the story reach its end

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