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This chapter is dedicated for my chinggu jyn11p who is getting older today
Happy birthday chinggu
So yeah I am posting a faster updater enjoy

Author POV

Kai and Xiumin went outside and searched for her. They found her at the other garden on the other side of the house. Xiumin grabbed her legs and Kai carry her and forced her to go with them

"Yahh put me down" she shouted angrily ,but both of them ignored them and went to the house. Then they put her in the living room with Kai and Xiumin holding her hand like a hostage. Then the other members sit in the living room

"Let me go" she shouted

"Not until you tell us whats going on" Baekhyun said with a sinister face.

She finally stop fighting ,but she didn't said a word

"You better start talking" Suho said

They all looked at her with a straight serious face and she started to feel intimidated

After minutes she finally gave up

"Fine. Someone called me last night and threat me not to sign the contract"

They all sigh and the situasion started to relax a little bit.

"We are going to protect you" Lay said

"I know that ,but"she said

I wanted to continue but somehow I can't . I remember don't want to make them worry and I want to find out my self so I can't say it. Luckily Chanyeol cut my words

He hugged me and said

"We are here okay"


Then I started crying. It is just a call. A threat call why should I feel so scared. Sometimes I can't understand myself why would I bother They started to say that I should not cry. Starting from Chanyeol and everyone followed ,but it makes me cry harder.

5 minutes later

I am already calm. I am not crying ,but I am not saying a single word

"Mianhe I made your clothes wet"

"Its okay, you just have to wash it" Chanyeol said

"Yahh" I said and everyone laughed. I guess he is really the happy virus. Then we all giggled all night long. I felt save from all those threat.

Then we all felt tired and tomorrow we have to go to SM so we all went to sleep ,but before I enter my room Baekhyun pat my shoulders

"Its good to see you smile,gongju"

"Yahh Bacon"

Then he ignored me and entered his room. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. It has been a long day for me so I thought I would directly sleep ,but I didn't. I kept on thinking about what Baekhyun said. Gongju? Why did he even called me that. It is so weird you know. Aish I put a pillow on top of my face and I started to sleep.

I woke up the next day

I strech myself. Today I will be a member of the SM family. Yayy I am soo exited.

Then EXO call me baby played. It was my ringtone hehe I really love them. An unknown number called me. Could it be the person who threat me ,but I decided to answer the call


"Lets see your decision now. I hope you made the right one"

The person said and hung off the phone,but I am not scared anymore I mean I have the EXO oppas with me hehe. What can the person do anyway. I took a bath and wear a blouse with a flowery skirt and a flat shoes. I went to the dining room and the EXO members is already there

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