Complicated feelings

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Its been 2 days since the acident and today is the day where I go back to school. Great just great. I must face Baek again. Argg I bury my face in the pillow.

I went to the living room and took my bag and my handphone.

I am downstairs

I didn't bother to reply the message and went down. Being greeted my Jay looking at me impatiently.

"What took you so long"

I looked at my watch on my wrist
"Still early for me" I simply answer him

I looked at him also in uniform. Don't say that he is going to the same school as I am

"I am going to your school"

Noooo. This can't happen now I am seriously stuck with him every single day. Yay for me!!

He walked towards his car and I just followed him. Why must I be with his school!!!! But I have a weird feeling , a feeling of happiness. But that feeling is not important anyways so I just shrug it off but no matter how much I tried I always have this happy feeling

"Se Na, I have called you countless of times. Wait why are you smiling by yourself?"

"I am not" wait why was I smiling by myself? My feelings sre so complictaed and I am definitely confused right now

Just then we arrived to the school. Well it is still my old school. I actually refuse being in a special school for SM ent artist. I dont want to be seen specially.

"I am going to my class"

"Okay good luck"

I walked towards my class and got greeted by a very very wonderful seen(note my sarcasm). I saw Baekhyun at the corner of the room with Minji hugging him and my heart just broke in seconds and I feel the world stop.

I saw the boys coming after me greeting me but I couldn't feel anything except blankness and pain in my heart. I walked towards my seat ,ignoring the boys completely and I just sat there,feeling completely blank

Just then the teacher came and they all went to their seats. I came back to my senses and I felt their gaze over me. What did I just did? Stupid now they are all worrying ang probably thinking weird things over me and when I tell them

They'll tell Baekhyun. Great just great. I wish someone would help me face this.God please help me. Just then I saw a familiar face getting inside my classroom and guess who is it?


"Please introduce yourself new student" the teacher said

"Call me Jay"he simply say with an uninterested face

But then I heard the girls squeling

"He is soo hot"

"I could dieeee"

Seriously cant they see his face that he is not interested. These girls seriously. Wait but why am I even worrying about them? He is my ex my past maybe it is because before I used to worry about him a lot


"He is soo hot" I heard a girl said

"Shut up he is my boyfriend" I said to the girl while looking straight at her. I was clenching my fist but then he held my hand and take us somewhere

"You dont need to be jealous you know. I am yours and you should know that" he said while he is taking me to the school's park

End of flashback
Is it because of that? Is it just the leftovers of my feelings for him? Maybe? Just then I feel someone sitting beside me


"Why are you here Jay" I said with an shocked and annoyed voice

"The teacher ask me to sit here jeez"

"Ah okay" I answered and look the other way around. Then I feel someone gazing at me but this gaze isnt a normal gaze it feels electrifying.

I look around and saw Baekhyun looking at me and I feel chills through my spine. I gulp seeing his gaze

Yes he is cold to me all the time but this. This is different. He never send me this kind of gaze. I looked at him at the eyes and he still looked at me.

Then I realized Minji is putting her arms on Baekhyun's shoulder and flirting him but he ignored her and looked at me.

Realizing that Minji looked the way Baekhyun looked which end up with her looking at my direction. I could see that she is pissed and I could see anger in her eyes.

I looked to the front and saw Jay looking at me. He must've realized and I remembered what he said on that day

"I will make sure everything stays the way it used to be

Oh no. Its going o be really ugly. I looked to the teacher ignoring whats going on around me. I tried to focus but I kept on remembering Jay and Baekhyun. Those look, i just couldn't make it get out of my sight.

Luckily the teacher is done talking and its break time. I got out of class and ran. I dont know where should I go but I just want to run away and I found myself in a music room.

I looked at the piano and started playing yiruma-river flows in you

When I played I think of all the complicated things around me. Baekhyun... Jay..... I just put all of my emotions while playing.

All my pain all of the hurtful things. I just let it all out and I finish playing with a pang of notes all together. Then I heard an aplause. I look to my back and saw Chanyeol

"Chanyeol" I said and he came huging at me

"I know Se Na, I know everything. I have been watching you" I cant help to hug him back

"I know you dont like me"

"I am still confused Chanyeol"

"Trust your heart Se Na, the answer is right there" I must say those words are meaning ful to me but wait how could he say that.

Except, he knows who I like

"Yes I know who you like" wait how could he. Then he giggled. Ahh I speak out my thoughts

"But how could I know Chanyeol about my feelings?"

"You just will Se Na" he said releasing the hug and he looked at me with a loving gaze

"I am letting you go, but I will always be there Se Na"

I still could feel that he love me and thats why he is letting me go.......

Finally an update
Mianhe I took long
I am going to update in 2 weeks but I am trying to update faster :)
School is making me crazy

Please keep suporting me ^^
I am really sorry for not updating


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