Let him go

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I looked at my ceiling and started remembering what Chanyeol said to me. He let me go. He must have been hurt right now but what confuses me is that he loves me yet he let me go. If you truly love someone you let him go.

I took one deep breath remembering those words. If I love Baekhyun I let him go? but is he really happy with Minji? I stood up from my bed while thinking about those.

"Should I let him go" I said to myself

"If he is happy with someone else you should" I heard someone answer me

I look around only finding Jay inside my soho.

"Why are you here?"

"Relax, I just wanna see how you are doin"

" I am fine get out"I said with a straight voice

"Wow slow down nasty girl"

I looked at him with my straight face


"Okay okay" he said and went out

Maybe he is right if you love someone you let him go but it hurts like hell letting him go but I do love him and he is happy with Minji

"Aish" I said while I went back to my bed

The next Day

I walked towards the gate of the school.This is it remember let him go. Don't stare at him but then I saw Baekhyun and Minji in the classroom and I stared at them.

Look away girl. Ish why can't I look away. Arggg. I force myself to look away and saw Minji coming to me while Baekhyun gets out of the class

I looked away from her but then she pulled my hair

"Yahhh you little"

"What did I do?" I said with the most iritating voice and I could see Minji's gang coming right to me

"What do you think you are flirting with Baek huh?

"Excuse me I think you are the one flirting him" I said while I stood up from my seat

"You!!!" Pak

I cheeks feel numb. I feel everything started to move in a slow motion. I cannot hear anything.

I walked slowly toward the door but then I feel someone pulling me and dragging me then letting me crash to the ground.

Then I feel pain in my stomach and it hurts. It really hurts. I saw blood starting to come out but I couldn't feel anything. Baekhyun will you save me like last time?or will EXO protect me?

Then I saw Baekhyun coming to the class but instead of saving me he pulled Minji and touched her hand

"Stop she is not worthed of your precious hand"

I heard him say and just like that a thousand knife pierced to my heart and I felt a tear fall from my eyes. My heart, it hurts like hell. I could feel dying at any moment now.

Then I saw EXO coming inside the class but instead of helping me they stood right there and started chatting and joking atoung each other. EXO you too? Then I saw Baekhyun hug Minji

"Minji I love you not her"

Those three words. Those words I wish was for me ended up for her, the girl who hurt me so deeply but I realize something. He is happy with Minji.

Let him go Se Na. Let him be happy with ehr .Just then everything fades and slowly I could't see anything anymore except for blankness.

Tit tit tit
"What voice is that" I thought in my head
Tit tit tit
I started to open my eyes and as my eyes wander around a question pop in my head

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