interview part 2

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"Anyeonghaseo welcome to the K news and we are here because a recent breaking news about SM trainee Gu Se Na and today we will have an exclusive interview with her. Please welcone Gu Se Na"

The staff's gave me a code for me to enter and I entered and bowed before sitting

"So Se Na shi we have heard about you and being SM trainee"

"Well among my friend they all love to sing and it eventually grew in me too"

"So,friends do have a big influence ne?"

I slightly nod at her

"So Se Na when you heard about your father how do you feel?"

"Quite shocked actually and confused"

"I am sure you are confused. So Se Na shi there is sonething we are curious about. You father have 10% of SM entertaiment stocks makin him the second stockholder in SM. Many people thought you are used to raise SM stocks is it true" she ended the sentence by looking at me directly

"It is true." I paused before continueing

"I am used to raise their stocks. For their own wealth and nothing else. All I want is parents that love me but I guess I'll never get them"

"How about your friends"

"They first left me and betray me because they thought I am no one but then they all came to me after knowing who I am"

"We do note that EXO are your best friends?"

"They were but they also betray me"

"I am sorry"

"Its okay i guess this is how my live is" tears started to form from my eyes but I am not going to cry in a studio and in a tv so I stayed still trying to plaster a smile

"So now we have 2 pictures before and after the news. The firt picture is a before you were very feminim but now you look like a rocker what happen"?

"They hurt me so badly while I was feminim. I was so vulnerable but now I wanted to be strong I wanted to change into the new me. So, I changed my style"

"Well today we really can see how a single news could change someone. I hope that now we can also see the other point of view form the person itself. Thanks for wathcing K news and goodbye"

They camera zoomed out and soon the lights all turned on.

"Thank you so much Se Na shi"

"A pleasure I said to her"

I changed back into my clothes and went outside the studio. Just then my father called me. I took a deep breath before answering it

"YOU BETTER COME HOME IN INSTANCE" I shut the my phone not wanting to hear a lecture and walked towards the streets.

Why can't I live normally have normal problems. Why must I elive this way. It aint nice. Just then I saw Jeha walking towards the street

"Se Na?" She called me and I can't do anything but to only look at her.

She walked closer and I stared at her. Please just leave me I give her a code that she shrugged directly

" Se Na are you okay" tears start to struck my eyes and I can't hold it back anymore

"Omo Se Na come to my apartment first" She put a hand on my shoulder and lead me towards her apartment. I don't have the energy to resist anymore. So, I volutarily followed her

She opened a door to a huge and luxorious apartment. Who ever thought she is a poor girl shoild definitely change their mind

She sat me at and couch before sittinf herself.

"Would you mind telling me?"

"Its complicated"

"Well I have time"

I sigh before telling her everything fron the very start to the end excluding the deal that i had made

"My life is full of betrayal"

"But Se na have you ever thought of hearing them out"

"What do you mean --"

Suddenly someone knocked at the door so hard and Jeha opened the door only to find bodyguards.

"We are here to take Se Na agashi"

"I am sorry she is not here" but then the bodyguards went pass her and dragged me out. I pulled my hand before saying

"Mianhe and gomawo Jeha" they dragged me into a car and pushed me inside. I certainly do not want to know what will happen next

Miahe it took a while
But I finally fin

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