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Baekhyun POV

Its been a year since Se Na died but, I still can't help but to feel guilty. She died, for us. For EXO to protect us. Even now I still could remember every single detail that happen on that day


"Run" she shouted ,but I hesitated. I want to save her , I want her to be alive. She didn't deserve this not from the very start ,but as I was thinking the fire gets bigger. I was about to run ,but Chanyeol grabbed me.

"I can't see you die Baek." He said ,but I pulled my wrist

Just then the fire gets bigger and bigger and its not possible to save her anymore.

Suho and xiumin came to me and pulled me

"Se Na" I shouted ,but I doubt she could hear me. Suho and Xiumin kept pulling me until I was out of the building. As I was out we saw police capturing them

I looked at Suho, he called them. At least this way, she could get justice from them. But, I know she deserved more from SM and her family. A tear escaped my eyes.

Se Na, I looked back are you really not here anymore? The police came to us asking us question ,but none I could answer. All I could think of is Se Na and now that she is gone.

Gone from this world. I just couldn't take it I ran and ran while tears escaped. Call me a cry baby or anything I couldn't care much less anymore. I ran to an alley and I kneeled there.

"Se Na" I shouted

"Why why do you have to do that. I --"I kept on shouting

"I can't live knowing what you've done. I can't live that you.. you died for me" I voice softens as my chest hit my knees.

Then I felt someone hugging me.

"Lets go home" I heard someone said

"Se Na?" I looked back and saw her face smiling. I hugged her

"Are you hurt?" I put my hands on her shoulder

"I am fine Baek. Don't be sad" She said as she touched my cheeks.

"Cause I am happy" She said and then slowly she became further and further.

"No Se Na" I shouted ,but she is gone

The next thing I know is EXO ran to me and I hugged Chanyeol. I could feel he is crying to. I looked around seeing puffy eyes. The car ride was silent. Silent as it was never before.

The only sound is the sound of sobs. Is Se Na really not here anymore. Then how can I see her , why do I feel she is still here.....

If.. if maybe from the start we didn't follow SM's plan. We would all be living happily right now. Just as I always dreamt. Maybe we could be a couple, me and Se Na. Yes I love her ,but I never got a chance to say it or reveal it because of them. Why am I so babo when I could live happily together.

When we arrived none of us talked. Everyone directly went to their rooms. Once I arrived at my room I crash into my bed. I closed my eyes several times ,but only more tears came out. Until finally tiredness drifted me to sleep


I was in a room where everything is white. I am sitting on a wooden chair before suddenly a light came. Revealing an angel like girl. When the light dim slowly and I adjusted the light I saw he

"Se Na" I said

"Baekhyun oppa"

"Se Na" I said and run to her

"Why do you cry so much while I am happy?"

"Please comeback"I said holding her tight

"I can't"


She released my hug and said

"I am always with you oppa always"

"Saranghae" I said to her"

"Nado saranghae" She answered

She started moving backwards ,but I hold her wrist

"Don't go"

"I am going to be always with you oppa. Always" She smiled and left. The room became dark ,but I keep replaying the smile on her face

"I will smile for you Se Na" I said while smiling before I woke up


"Baekhyun neo gwencahana" Chanyeol asked me and I could see everyone here

"Ne waeyo?" I asked them

"You kept on shouting her name" Suho hyung said

"What is it Baek" Xiu Min said and I answered him

"Nothing" while smiling ,but I know they would know if I must dreamt about her. Well I want to believe I actually met her.

They smiled to me and left


I am here in front of her graveyard. Putting a white rose a symbol of love and pureness. I looked up at the cloudy skies before saying

"I know you are with me Se Na" I said smiling.

Then the clouds move revealing the sun slowly and I only could smile and say

"I know you are" I said convinced.

"Kaja" Chanyeol said. I never told them about meeting Se Na well Se Na's spirit ,but I know that they would want us to see us smiling. So, thats what we do today. We smiled in front of the grave and joke around. I looked up again and smiled. I know she is happy to see this. Thanks for the sun Se Na. Saranghae. I said and left the graveyard

Since that day I have never agreed with SM's plan anymore and SM have no choice since we gain popularity now.I always smiled everyday just so that she could live happily up their knowing we are happy.

I have been taking care of myself more than before and I have cared for EXO just as she cared for us. That is all I can do for me, EXO and of all for her...

For Se Na


The end!!

Thanks guys for supporting me through the book

I am so glad I have you guys especially for my chinggus. Kamsamida ^_^

Please check out my other books:

The story how me met (got7 fanfic)

The demon inside me (an original)



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