I Want School!!

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"Yahh are you amnesia" Chanyeol asked

Before I could answer the question the doctor came in and asked all the members to get out. Then the doctor checked me for any disease

Half an hour later

Has some hours pass by. I felt really bored here. Then I watched the clock. All it took is half an hour. The doctor stopped checking

"There is no fatal damages ,but you should know that you broke your ankle so you have to be careful while walking and you may get dizzy sometimes"

"Okay thanks doc"

The doctor left the room and all the EXO member came in. I could see that every single one of them is there except Chanyeol.

"What did the doctor said?"Sehun asked with a worried tone

"He said I am fine. Just a broken ankle and some dizziness"

"Fiuhh" he said while hugging me

It was not normal that Sehun hugged me. Well he does compliment me a lot ,but I never knew we are that close. I hugged him back and say

" I am fine you don't need to worry"

"Something seems cheesy"Kai said

"Our little maknae has grown" Chen said

"Yahh bacon why is your face so dull?" Lay asked


Then Sehun released the hug.

"Nothing is going on okay" Sehun said

Hhaha true nothing is going on I said inside my heart. I looked at Baekhyun. Its true his face is all dull. I know he is cold ,but his face is rarely dull. Something is going on with him. Aishh just let it pass.

"Anyway where is our happy virus?" Tao asked

"True I haven't see him since he said that he will get some drinks" Suho said

Thats weird Chanyeol usually never do that. Then he entered with a very sad face

"Omo are you okay Chanyeol what happen?" D.O said like a concerned mom

"Se Na are you really amnesia" Chanyeol asked

All of the members looked at me

"I am not amnesia. I am just joking" i said

His face darkned and darkned. I am feelig very scared. What have I done.

"Omo jinjja? You still remember me? Aigoo I shouldn't think too much" he said while putting on a very happy smile

"Ne I still remember"

"Don't do that again araseo?"


I guess he is called the happy virus for some reason. I am so lucky to have a friend like him. Then the doctor came in and all eyes were looking at the doctor.

" Your friend would be discharged today" the doctor said and left

"Yayy you are coming home" Xiu Min said

And I smile

2 hours later

I was already discarged and we are going home. I have a hard time walking I ankle hurts. This is killing me. Luckily Chanyeol and Sehun is helping me. After some time of walking really slow we reached the car and head back home. The car ride was really silent. I guess everyone is tired.

We arrived at home and Aunt Mary is waiting for us

"Omo are you okay?"

"I am fine Aunt Mary"I answered with the best smile I could possibly give. Only so that she would be calmed and know that I am really fine. We ate dinner together. It was my favorite food. Pizza!! I really love pizza . Especially the one with lots of cheese. Aunt Mary and the EXO members said that I don't need to go to school together and they insisted. I really miss school ,but they are really forcing me so I don't have any choice except my saying yes. Lay even gave me his aegyo and Baekhyun kept on asking me which is not normal. After eating I decided that I need some rest

"I am off to bed bye guys"

"Wait I'll acompany you, your ankle hurts" Baekhyun said

It was not the Baekhyun I know and I am extreanly shocked. We went upstairs and he helped me to walk but the he relizes that I am really stuggling. He picks me up briday style and carry me up. The boys were not looking at the stair way thank God. We entered my room and he threw me to the bed. Like literally he really threw me.

"You are really heavy" he said

" I didn't asked you to pick me up"

He didn't bother to answer and he left me. After some minutes I called my assistant to pick me up early in the morning. I want to go to school so badly. Tina said that I shouldn't go ,but I keep forcing her so she said yes

"Yayy thx Tina bye"

I prepare myself and changed into pajamas and directly slept. I am really tired for no reason today.


Argg what time is it. Ohh yeah I forgot I am going early today. So, I get ready and she the time.

"Yess it is still six the boys haven't got out of their room usually"

I rushed and slowly walked into the car(well I walked slowly cause my ankle hurts and I need to be careful. I sucessfully escape and my car is already waiting. I entered the car and I went to a coffee shop because it is too early. I text aunty that I am going somewhere with Tina

"Yahh Se Na why do you want to go to school so badly" she asked with an annoyed tone while sipping on her coffee

"I just miss school. I don't really know why"

We just ate silently while drinking out coffee. It is already 7:15. We left the coffee shop and went to school. I am so sleepy I almost slept ,but just before I slept we arrived at school and I accidently hit my head on the window. When I arrived tons of students were there. Well it is just because it is school time is it? When I we get closer I saw this sign

Se Na saranghae.

Se Na unnie.

be my girlfriend Se Na .

What when did I became an idol or even a famous person in the school

Find out at the next chapter

Heyyy guyss please give me comments so that I could make my work better

Thanka for all your support ^-^

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