
190 9 4

This chapter is dedicated for

AngelTan20 jsica7 jyn11p Spade2113

The old chap is crappy so I am writing it again better of course

Its been a week since I left and I have been contacting with the EXO members. They have been asking me to comeback countless of times but with Minji around.

I didn't think I am coming back to that house. I need time for myself. I thought as I am sitting at a bench in a park. Its really comfy around here. I think I can really get use to it.

Just then I saw someone at the edge of my eyes. Someone that looked extreamly familiar. Jeongmal? It could not be.

I started to walk out of the park scared of my own thoughts. I must avoid any possibilities that it is him so I must leave right now. I walked towards my tower and went in the elevator. Just as the elevator is about to close a hand stopped it and that was the face. The face I don't want to see. Why on earth will I see that face again and from all of the places in the world in Seoul.


"Mian I am Se Na"

I said and I looked away. Yes I am Celine that is my English name but please I don't want to see you again. I just don't. I just clicked a random number at the elevator hoping that I could get to another one without him there.


I arrived at the floor Thank God. Just when I was about to get out a hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me from going.

"Don't lie please"

"Mian I"

"I know its you." He cut me before finishing my sentence

"I know you characteristic personality Celine" He continued

I just sigh at him.

"Please leave me alone Jay"

He held my hand again as I was about to get out

"Celine please it "

"It what? It happen Jay. Please just let be have a normal happy life"

I pulled my wrist out of his hand and leave the elevator. You hurt me once. I am not going to let you hurt me again. I clicked the elevator button and went to my soho. When I reached my soho I saw Tina unnie with a guy. He looked at me with a smirk in this face. Jay? Why does he?

"Se Na you came back right on time. Please take a seat"

I took my seat and waited for unnie to explain whats going on here

"You see that your mom here asked Jay to accompany you while you are here"

"What? Seriously what for"

"Se Na EXO are getting busier and they cannot accompany you anymore so she wants Jay to accompany you"

"No never"

"Se Na ahh"

"I don't even know her why is she interguing my life in so many aspecs. Leave me. Please."

Just then Tina left but Jay still stayed at his seat.

"Can't you here me Jay?"

He stood up. Just when I thought he is listening to me he got closer to ne and whispered on my ear.

"I will be back tomorrow" He said then leave. I froze a while and dropped to my seat. That guy. That is so close. I just shrug it off but I know 1 thing. I must find a way to avoid him tomorrow

>>>>>>>>>>>The next day

I woke up in the morning ,took a bath and directly went out of the house. That is my plan to avoid him.

I went to the park and stayed there. Ahh this is going to be a nice day without him.I closed my eyes letting the morning breeze get to me

"Enjoying too much ne?

Ohh that voice. That guys annoying voice.

"How can you find me?"

"We met here right? Seeing by the look yesterday I know you will run"

Ash he knows me too well. Now what will I do. I tried walking away but he held my hand again and pulled me into a hug

"Why do you keep running away from me"

"You got your chance Jay"

"I thought you believe in second chance"

"Yes I do but the situasion is different Jay" I pushed him away and looked to my left finding Baekhyun there looking at me.

"Baekhyun" I said with my shaking voice

He just left me and walked towards a girl near a tree. Minji I suggest.

"So that what makes it different now huh" Jay said. Then he came closer ,he held my waist and whisper to my ear

"I will make sure everything stays the way it used to be"

Finally I can write a better chap
I update it before but its crappy so I rewrite it
Enjoy guys
Sorry for bothering

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