Locked up

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Sorry for the late update
I am very tired recently

This chapter is dedicated to jsica7 ><

5 days I have counted
I am locked up in my ridicilous room

They are as mean as they are. Scolding is not enough is it?

I have asked my friends for Jeha's number and I have been ocupied with her

She told me to talk to EXO and here them out. Maybe I should. Maybe, just maybe I could forgive them.

Knock knock

I heard someone knock from the door. Without asking for permision the person let himself in

"Se Na"

I blinked a couple of times adjusting to the light. Just when I can see clearly I shouted

"What are you doing here!!"

"Just listen please" D.O plead

"Tell me what you have to" I said while not looking at them

" Minji forced us to do that...."Xiumin said

"We don't know your father" Tao said

"Liesss. Stop telling me liess. You know my father"

"Tell her the truth" Baekhyun said

Everyone else looked at him

"Tell her. If you really wanna be friends with her" He said again

"Its your father's plan. He want Minji to hurt you. So..."Suho explained


"So that he could get more from you. More publicity from your story"

"What--. He never gets enough. But I got enough of him"

"Se Na"

"Mianhe" I said

"Mianhe for not listening. Mianhe for my harsh words. Miahe" before I could say the last word they all came and hugged me

Just then my maid called them to go outside

I bid my goodbye and sat at the corner of my room

What is their real plan. What do they really want me to do. To be their puppet? I cant know anymore.

Which is real and which is all planned. All I know now is that I am stuck right here.

Just then my maid came in bringing a dress. She put it in my room and I know the queu that someone important is coming.

I looked at the dress on my bed. Its beautiful. It is a knee length dress colored black. It is simple yet beautiful. I took a bath and use the dress but something else wander my mind. Who is coming?

The maid came in again. To escort me I suggest. Then the doors to the dining room opened reavealing an 40s guy ,another person around my age I suggest , and a girl that looks familiar.

"Se Na please take a seat" I followed as instructed and sat beside my mother and beside the boy. I looked at the boy the the girl and she also looked at me. Minji and the guy is the director of Sm entertaiment and Minji is...

Minji is their daughter.

And I think I know where this is going. No. No it cant be.

"Se Na we have been waiting for you. This is my daughter as you know Lee Minji and my son Lee Wongeun" the director explained

Then dinner is served. I tried to eat but nothing could came out of my mouth. Everything is froze struck.

My mother wiped her mouth with the napkin before saying

"So Se Na" my mother started

"We are thinking that you and Taemin should get to know each other. Since you are at the same age" She said softly but I know where this is going to. They want to date

"Are you saying this as an arranged marrige?" I went straight to the point

"Se Na where are your manners" my father shouted

"So its true?"I said not pleased with that answer

"Yes" my father simply said and thats enough for me to leave the dining table

I went to my room and called.

"You are right they are planning to arrange me. What should I do"

They give me instructions. Before hanging up on me

If I do this. I will put everything on the line. My life could be over and I will be a pawn.

But, I am already a pawn anyway

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