Make over and Shopping!

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I wake up at 9 in the morning and I went downstairs to get breakfast. Then I saw Aunt Mary and greeted her. She said that she had make an appointment at the best salon. I put off my glasses and ate breakfast

"Omo you can see without glasses"

"Ne, I only use them so people would not notice me"

"Aigoo you should not do that, she took my glasses and keep it. Never think that I will return your glasses"

"Alright, anyway where is EXO?"

"They went to SM today to practice"

"Ahhhh I see"

I quickly eat breakfast and prepare myself to go. I wear my one amd only clothes that she left me with and prepare to go. She is already waiting for me downstairs. She smiled at me and we went to the salon.

Aunt Mary POV

After getting in the car. I thought that I must tell her about why EXO live in my house. I think that by telling her that she will feel more comfortable with me. So, I told her that I couldn't get pregnant same like her previous mom and since that EXO's parents are my best friend I asked if I could take care of them because their parents are very busy.

"I guess we have quite similar family Aunty"
She smiled at me

"That is why I want you to live in my house" I said


After she told me that story I was preety touched ,but I kept my self together. I don't wall to find myself crying in front of her. So embarasing,but now I think about it again. I guess I have made a bond with her. Then we arrived at a salon. I get of the car and I was shocked. We entered the salon and it looks really expensive it has a black marbel floor and chandeliers. I really like the place. Then the one of the stylist directly greet Aunt Mary and in fact they are quite close I say. Then she introduced me to the stylist.

"Anyeonhaseo Park Kang Soo imnida" he said

"Anyeonghaseo Gu Se Na imnida" I introduced myself

"Lets start your make over then"he said while smirking to me

After hours and hours and hours

It is finally finished. I looked at the miror and look at myself. Who is this? It is a very preety girl. My hair is now brown and it is curled.

"You like it"Park Kang Soo asked

"Is this really me?" I asked

"Of course it is you darling" Aunt Mary said

"Preety right" He asked

"Very"Aunt Mary answered

Then we went back at the car and I hugged Aunt Mary

"Gmawawo" I said

She smiled at me and she is really happy today

"Next shopping" She said

Then we arrived at this street and it is full of luxury brands. Then EXO growl started to play. I looked at Aunt Mary and it apparently is her ringtone. I never thought Aunt Mary is an EXO fan too.Aunt Mary answered a call and after minutes later

"Mianhe something just came up"Aunt Mary said

Then she handed me a credit card. The password is -----.

"Go buy yourself lots of stuff, if it aint lots I am gonna punish you"

"Ne arraseo"
I love shopping so it shouldn't be hard

Then she left me and my asistant called

"Where are you?"

"I am in forever 21 shop"

"Wait I am coming"


I waited for 10 minutes and she came

"You haven't wait for long did you?

"No I didn't" I answered

"Fiuhh Kajja"

I went to forever 21 and found a cute polkadot skirt some jeans and some tshirt
Then I went to Dorothy Perkins and I found lots of dress.
I continued shopping and shopping from clothes to shoes to make up everything basicly. I felt so happy after shopping so much stuff. It is like every girls dream shopping without seeing the price.

Then I checked my watch it is already 6 pm I better went home.I went home amd it is empty no signs of the boys / my aunt. We put the clothes on the shelf and tidy all the things I have bought into the closet and the closet is looking full already. Luckily we managed to find clothes and shoes that haven't been tried on cause if not I will not have clothes for tomorrow.

"Finnaly it's all already tidy"

"Yeah. Well I guess I have to go now. Bye"


After Tina unni left .p.s Tina taught me to use oppa and unni.
I took a shower and picked my clothes. It was a simple croped tee with jeans and I almost forgot to wear shoes. Usually I don't use shoes inside the house ,but I guess rich people do since their house is so big. So I chose to use a sneekers.While I was using my shoes I heard Aunt Mary shouting. Se Na, Boys dinner is ready. Well I guess they are all home. I just have to see what they all would think about this new look. I directly wear my shoes and went to the dining room. As I go down from the stairs I saw them looking at me what could they think?

I'll cut it off here
What will the EXO boys think?
Find put at the next chapter guys

Hey guyss what do you think about the new MV call me baby by EXO?
I know I am a bit late hehehe
,but I have love that song for a week now
I absolutely love it
I am also proud for their achievement
And what do you think about EXODUS?
I also love it
Feel free tell the world about EXO by giving comments

Anyway I post this chapter just to celebrate my B'day yayy
Thats it bye guys

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