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Then I wake up and it am in the hospital
Eii what happen. Then I feel something holding my hand and it is Xiu Min oppa. I am so shocked. He saw me waking up and he is directly worried

"Se Na neo gwenchana?"

"I am fine. What happen?"

"You faint in school because someone harmed you. Luckily Baekhyun saw you and saved you. The doctor said you are still recovering from shock. You also fainted quite hard and hit the floor"

I kept breathing trying to absorb everything. Especially the fact that Baekhyun saved me. I thought he hated me. He is so cold and mean to me. And also why Xiu Min oppa is the one that is accompaying me.


Baekhyun POV

I saw some boy messing around with her. I cannot stand just like that so I save her. I puched the guy infront of her with all the strength I have and he fell to the ground.

"Don't touch her"I said

"Miahe" they all said and left

"Yahh neo gwenchana" I asked her. I feel so worried about her.

"Ne, kamsamida"
I was relived to hear her say that. I thought that she was fine. I saw her trying to stand up ,but then she fell and hit her head to the floor. Aishh I should have held her in my arms.

"Se na wake up"
There is no answer I kept asking her to. wake up ,but she have fainted. So, I bring her bridal style and every girl is looking at her jealous. Well you are lucky Se Na a handsome guy like me saved you. Then I was about to call Chanyeol ,but I remembered that she may have fellings for Se Na. So, I called Chen and D.O.

"D.O are you with Chen"

"As in fact I am"

"Please bring the car quick Se Na fainted"

"Ehhh Araseo"

While I waited for them I stared at her face. She looked so cute ,but then I noticed there is a scar near her eyebrow. No one would know the scar if the don't look at her closely. Then they come with a van. Chen opened the door and we entered directly.

"Where should we take her"D.O asked

"Do you really have to ask. The nearest hospital!" I answered at him

"Ne mianhe"D.O said

I am very concerned about her. What if something fatal happen. Minutes kater we are already in the hospital. I directly went down and the nurse directly came and put her in bed. Then she was in the room in the hospital. The nurse asked us to get out. We all get out ,but I am still very worried about her.

One hour passed
I am getting extreamly worried. I do not have an idea how she is doing. Minutes after minutes passed and the nurse finnaly came out.

"How is her condition" D.O asked

"She is doing fine ,but we have to see after she wake up" the nurse said

My hear sigh in relived.

"Can I see her now?" I asked her

"Yes you may" the nurse said

I directly went in and I see her in bed. Her face look pale and bones are really showing. I held her hand and I couldn't let go

"I and Chen are going back to the house, they need the van" D.O said

"Okay I am staying here tonight" I said

After they left I keep staring at Se Na. I kissed her hand and touch her cheeks

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked talking to myself. Then Chanyeol,Xiumin,and Kai came seeing me holding her hand. I don't care anymore of they knew that I like her. I don't want toleave her anymore.

"Omo yah Baekhyun you like her?" Chanyeol asked

"Aren't we supposed to worry about her and not about that" I answered and they all stay silent. Then it was pure awkwardness no one is talking. Luckily after 10 minutes the other members came.

"Omo how is she" Tao asked

"They said that they would see after she wake up" I answered. The next thing I know is I am awake beside her and the others also sleep in her hospital room. Luckily the room is big enough. Soon enough every one is awake. We all don't want to leave ,but Xiu Min forced us too.

"Since I have to collage today I am acompanying her. You all must go to school araseo?"

"Ne" we all answered dissapointedly

End of flashback

"I am gonna call the doctor that you are awake" Xiu Min said

"Wait before day when did I faint?" I asked

"Yesterday" Xiu Min said

"Oh-okay" I asked

Then he left and I stayed. Then Chanyeol , Chen, Baekhyun, and D.O came

"Yahh Neo gwencahana?" Chanyeol asked worried

"Who are you?"I asked

What could happen?
Is Gu Se Na amnesia?
Find out at next chapter

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