Interview part 1

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I went home directly after recieving the papers. I look right and left to make sure no one is following me.

I opened the door slowly and rushed to my room not bothering the maids greeting or anyone else around me.

I locked my room and sit on my bed. I opened the folder given to me. It was a schedule and a script.

It was an interview in K news. Tomorrow at 4. I opened the next page which is a script. Everything was general until it gets to a point

Interviewer : What do you feel with this happening around you?

Me: I feel sad. Its like people are using me

They want me to expose what I feel. To ruin SM entertaiment. But i feel like the lines are way to dramatic

but I should do as follow. Then I took another paper at the folder revealing a list of SM coruption.

Back up plan I suppose. This could be a great weapon for me.

Just then someone knocked at the door. I hurily put everything inside amd hid it at my closet. I ran and opened the door

"Ms dinner is ready"


I closed the door behind me and lock it, and take the keys.

"Please guide" I said softly.

As she guide me I realized the weird atmospher around the house. It seems classical and very calm not letting my rebellion side to come out.

What a weird creepy house it is. The maid opened the door to the dining room revealing my 'weird' brother waiting

"We need to wait for mom and dad to eat"


"Family rules"

Seriously... they really like to be a queen and a king here but the problem is they are not.

Then 'mom' and 'dad' came to the dining room. They took their seats and ate ignoring us

Like what they expect us to respet them while they are like this jeez. I ate a handful of food directly and left.

They dont deserve respect. I went to my room and check the folder. Still there and took a sleep. What a long day

The next day is as usual. Prepare to school and eat.

"Se Na you should not where that you are a part of this family" 'mom said scolding me

"Like I care" I said and went

"You will not leave this house until ---"

Brak I closed the door and went to school. Jeez talk in a normal language. They talk like they are form another planet.

Luckily the driver still drives me to school. When I entered everyone surrounded the car

"Se Na ahh please be friend with me"

"Se Na Se Na" people calling me from everywhere

" move " I said to them and they all froze and gave a way. You think I wanna be friends with them? Dream On!

They throw themselves on people and I hate that kind of people.

I went to class and my friends came up to me

"Se Na anyeong" Joy said flirtily

Jeez even I hate my own friends but they could me useful. Then suddenly EXO came and I stood from my seat

"Well well look who got me into SM"

"Se Na stop this" Baekhyun said

" why should I its your fault"

"If you wont stop then so will we" Sehun said

"Please just go back to the old Se Na"

"Hmm shireo" I answered them and sat

The teacher came with an unknown girl beside her

"Class we have a new student"

"Anyeong haseo I am Je Ha" she said shily

Oh dear.. she is going to get bullied. Tss by my gang of course but I dont wanna deal with it. She done nothing wrong with me.

"Je Ha please sit beside Se Na there"

She sat beside me and smiled at me


"Anyeong" i said boredly. She is just like me before. Just as innocent. Sigh

The class continued and I keep on drawing in my book until we eventually get home.

I called my driver and told them I am going to do something. This is it the interview. It is still 2 but I mjst come earlier.

I took a bus and went there. I have to say the building is gorjeous glass everywhere and when I entered the lobby is filled with clean white furnitures.I went to the information area

"I am Se Na. I am going to K news"

"Ohh they are waiting already please go this way" she directed me.

The studio is at the 9th floor . The studio is huge decorated with nothing but the beautiful view of the city.

I was directed to the make up and they gave me the script again. I read it again and again trying to remember. After my make up a woman came to me. She is tall her hair is light brown slightly curled. From her face she looks young

"I am Lisa i am the one interviewing you"

"Ne I am Se Na" I said offering my hand

"Nice to meet you" she shook my hand

She walked towards the studio and I suggest that I have to do the same but before that I stopped. I looked at the script on my hand.

You know what I am going to do it my way. I know it is against the rules but I am going to say what I need to say. I put the script down and went towards the studio.

This is a faster update yey
I know you hate it but I divided it into 2 chapters
I will update soon


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