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"Ohh Se Na I just wanted to give you your trainee schedule and meet your new manager"

Manager?? I thought you only have a manager about after the debut.What is going on. Why am I a trainee ,but I have a manager

"Anyeonghaseo I am Lee So Hyun your manager"

I bowed to her ,but no answer seem to fit in my mind. I am afraid to ask the director about it. I walk out with confusion all around me ,but then So Hyun unnie called me

"Se Na"

"Ne unnie?"

"This is your schedule your training will start tomorrow"

"Ne gomawo unnie"

Then I left her. I want to ask EXO about this. I went home and they are still there. Yes now the spent their time at home or working as an idol. Our school is having a Summer holiday.

"Se Na what did they talk about?"Chanyeol asked

"They talked about my training schedule and also my manager"

"Manager?"Kai asked

"I find it weird too trainee with a manager. Did it ever happen?"

"It never happen"Tao said

"But...."Chanyeol said ,but then Baekhyun cut him

"I think it is not just your manager. It is the trainees manager" and everyone looked at him

"Ahh okay" I said and I went to my room changing my clothes into tshirt and some short pants

Author POV

"Don't tell her" Baekhyun said

"Why can't we tell her?" Chanyeol complained

"She will be worried and it will be a bad impact for her" Baekhyun answered

"He is right Chanyeol" Suho said

"Fine"Chanyeol said

"Baekhyun why do you sudenly care so much?" Chen said teasing him

"She is like our sister how can I not care" Baekhyun said and left

"He likes her"Tao said

"I think so too"Lay said

"I never seen him like that" Sehun said

"Remember he was holding her hand at the hospital?"Chen said

"I guess he really likes her"Sehun said with a grumpy tone

"I'm gonna go to my room" Chanyeol said

They waited until Chanyeol entered his room

"Baekhyun got a rival" D.O said

Chanyeol POV

Yes I like her. I have to admit she is different and I know that Baekhyun also like her.

Well he haven't say it directly ,but I know. I just know that he likes her. Aish what should I do? Should I tell her how I feel ,but I cannot loose her as I friend.

Then I heard a knock at my door and Sehun entered


"Sehun please leave me first"

"Hyung I know you like Se Na"

"How can you.... nevermind"

"Just tell her hyung"

"What if I get rejected"

"Then let it be hyung. She is mature enough hyung"

"Araseo gomawo Sehun"

New Life [EXO Fan Fiction] | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now