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Should I sign it or should I not. Something is stopping me too. Like a long lost memory that cause a trauma. Something is making me really afraid ,but what

"I need time. I can't decide"

The EXO boys all seemed shock. A girl like me still needs time to sign a once in a life time contract

"I'll give you 3 days. Make up you mind okay?"

"Ne gomawo"

Then I and EXO left the SM building. No one dared to talk. They are all confused on why I would not sign the contract. I think they are scared that I could scold them or something. This is the most quite moment I ever felt when I live in EXO and as I guess it would not last long before Chanyeol got curious

"Yahh Se Na why are you not signing the contract?" Chanyeol asked

And everyone looked at him why a
Why are you asking that face.

"So you guys have been silent because of this" I said while smirking to everyone of them

"Aish" Chen said

"You shouldn't ask that Chanyeol" Kai scolded

"Now Se Na noona is going mad" Sehun said

"Who is going mad?" I asked

"Eii you are not mad?" Lay asked

"Anye, the truth is I don't know either why I am not signing the contact"

Everyone looked at me confusedly

"Don't look at me like that"

Then Chanyeol blushed without any reason .aegoo this guy

"Then why aren't you signing the contract?" Baekhyun asked with his cold tone

"I felt something wrong about signing it"

I was about to say something but I stopped if I say it they would be worried and they will try to find out about it so I decided to hide it for now

"I am just saying. Think logically sometimes feelings are just feelings" Sehun said while staring at me.

"Wahh our maknae is growing older" Tao said and everyone burst into laughter

Well I don't think it is just a feeling that doesn't mean anyting but I'll just get along with it but I guess some of it were true

At the house

I went to my room and take a shower. Then I used a tshirt and some jogging pants and I went out. I forgot to tell you that Aunt Mary is out to France

"Food is ready" D.O shouted

As I was about to get out of the room,my phone rings. I answered it


"If you sign that contract I will hunt you and hurt you for the rest of your life"

I don't know either it is a boy/ a girl. The person blurred out its voice. Then I sat down to my bed. What should I do? Tears started to fall from my eyes. I am scared really scared. I felt like I have been through this ,but what. I head started to ache

Sehun POV

"Is nonna not eating?" I asked the other members hoping for an answer

"She should be eating" Kai answered

I left the dining room and knock at her room and there is no answer. I knock again and still no answer. I am getting very worried

"Hyung I knocked at her door ,but there is no answer

"Jinja?" Baekyhun asked

"Ne" I answered

The EXO member directly rushed into the room and they keep knocking and shouting at her door


I heard someone knock at my door, but I couldn't answer because I am too sad and I don't want them to know. Then after a while the knock stops. I am relieved to know that they wouldn't know. Then someone knock at the door louder and I heard someone shouting and I opened the door

"Omo why are you crying?"Chanyeol asked

"I am watching the heirs"
Good lie Se Na good lie I said to myself

"Aishh we thought something happens" Sehun said

I just smiled to them. Then I closed the door

Chanyeol POV

Why do I sense something weird about her ,but she said it is because of watching drama. I just can't absorb and believe that. I felt that she is lying.

"Is it just me or I think she is lying" Baekhyun said

So it is not just me then. Even the cold Baekhyun can see that she is lying about something

"But lie about what" Xiumin asked

"I don't know it just seem that somethinig is worng. That is not the girl that I know"

"Maybe she have another side" Kai said

"Aishh something seems wrong"Baekhyun said while ruffling his hair

"Something has happen and she didn't want to tell us" I said while looking at the other member with a serious face

"I guess we have to find out" Chen said

We decided to rest for the day. We have a break tomorrow so we all decided to find out what really happen tomorrow.

The next day

Author POV

The EXO members wake up normally and as usual D.O prepared breakfast. They all went to the dining room and ate. After a while Se Na went out with an eye bag.

" aigoo someone is crying to much" Tao said
And Se Na didn't respond.

"Se Na are you not eating" D.O asked

"I am still full" she answered

We all looked confusely. She didn't eat last night wnd she is skipping breakfast. Something is defitely wrong the thought. The EXO members saw Se Na going to the garden and Sehun followed her. She sat on a bench and Sehun sat beside her

"Whats wrong?" Sehun asked

"Nothing" then she began crying

"You can tell me"

"Anye it is really nothing" She said and left the bench.
Sehun went back inside.


I really wanted to tell Sehun ,but I can't so I went inside and prepare myself to go to school. Then minutes later I am ready to go to school. I called Tina and asked to pick me up. I went ouside and directly go into the car. I wasn't in a good mood at all. At school all I did was thinking about the threat. I didn't even ate. When the bell rang and it was time to go home I directly took a bus and went home. I don't want to see the boys at all. I went to the house and the boys are already there. I didn't say a word and went to my room

Author POV

Kai looked at Sehun with a we have to do something face

"I guess we have to use the hard way" Sehun said and all the other members nodded

Will they find out what happen?
Or will she nit sign the contract
Find out at the next chapter

Hey guys i am in the middle of holiday but i haven't update for such a long time
So here is an update for you
Please comment this is my firsy fanfic
Help me
Okay i am talking to much
Imma shut up bye

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