Reversed opinion

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Chanyeol POV

When I looked at the stairs I saw someone really preety. Is that Se Na? She is really really pretty. All the boys are staring at her and we all glance at each other.

"Who is that girl"Kai asked

"It is Se Na" Aunt Mary answered and everyone looked at her


I went downstairs and greeted them

"Anyeong"Chen answered.

The boys look really speechless. Hahaha got you all now see who you say was a nerd.

Baekhyun POV

I was shocked when I look at her. She is really preety. My eyes couldn't get off her. Argg

"You look preety without glasses" Xiu Min said and everyone looked at him. He started to blush. Xiu Min rarely gets comfortable with strangers ,but I guess preety girls can make him melt.
Aisshh I hate to admit ,but she is preety. Then my heart started to beat fast.

"You look ugly" aisshhh why I have to said that. She looked really preety gosh.

"Gmawo" She answered with a smile
How can she piss my off so much. It makes me wanna tease her.


"You look really preety" Chanyeol said

"Thanks" I answered while blushing
Chanyeol why do you make me blush so much

"Look who become preetier" Sehun said

"Yahh stop teasing me" I said

"You look hot"Kai said
And everyone looked at him

"Yahh byuntae how can you say that to an inocent girl" Chen said
Amd we all laughed including Baekhyun. It is the first time I see him like that. Well he is opening up I guess

"Yahh you guys better start to eat before its cold" Aunt Mary said

Then we all sat .I sat beside Chanyeol and Sehun and Kai is in front of me. We ate and he joke all around and I feel much more accepted and happy

"Ohh Se Na what school are you going to enter" Tao asked

"You should be the same grade as some of us right?"Xiu min asked

"Ne I am at my second year of senior high school" I answered

"Omo it is the same as me,D.O,Chanyeol, and Baekhyun" Chen said

"Yahh she must enter the same school as us"D.O said

"I am going to do that"Aunt Mary said

"School will start in tomorrow"Chanyeol said

"Yahh when will I have time to" before I could finish my sentence Aunt Mary cut me

"I already enroll you so don't worry"
We all looked like Aunt Mary she is really something isn't she?

Baekhyun POV

She is going to our school?
Yes this is my chance to get close to her. I promise you I will protect you Se Na.
What why am I thinking about it jeez

Chanyeol POV

Shh why is Baekhyun looking at her?
I really hate it. She is mine.
Sorry Baekhyun(not really sorry actually) I am going to take her heart first. Especially now that she is going to our school.


"Well I guess I have to rest for school tomorrow, goodnight"

"Night"Chanyeol said
Omo Chanyeol just reply me. I am blushing here. I hope no one notice. I went upstairs and get to bed

Author POV

They all looked at Chanyeol

"What"Chanyeol asked

"Something seems fishy"Suho said and they all keep staring at Chanyeol

"You like her don't you" D.O said

Chanyeol ignored that question

"Well I don't care I am going to sleep" Baekhyun said

Baekhyun POV

Argg I do not know why ,but my heart his aching. So, I left them saying I wanted to go to sleep. I lay on my bed. Why do I feel my heart is hurting when I know that Chanyeol like Se Na. It is not possible that I could like a girl like that. Aish.

Author POV

"Is it just me or he has been quite weird since Se Na came?"Kai asked

"I felt the same way" Lay said

"Maybe it was because of his ex" Xiu Min said

"The one who died?"Suho asked

"Shhh"everyone said

"He could hear us you"Sehun said

"Ups minhe" Suho said
And by that everyone where of to bed


Ahhh I couldn't sleep. I am so nervous about tomorrow. How could school be. Will it be bad . Will I have friends. Aish I am worrying to much again. Well at least I already know EXO right? Then I feel a sleep
I hope tomorrow will be good.

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