Evil pig

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Pacifica POV

Now that it was officially winter break I could not only sleep in as much as I wanted i could also stay over at Mabel house for more than one night

Which allowed us to have some pretty fun sleepovers hell. well when I say us most of the time we were joined by her friends candy and grenda which made me upset because I wanted to just relax with Mabel and watch trashy straight shows and make fun of them

But with her friends we had to change the agenda up a tad to fit their standards nonetheless it was fun

What wasn't fun was finding out waddles did not like me that much in fact when I would go to let him he would either run away or start squealing at me

When I told Mabel about it she just laughed at me and told me that he was just getting used to me

But in my opinion he was just a little jealous pig that couldn't except the fact that his owner was paying more attention to her girlfriend then his piggy bum

And yes I know what your thinking "but Paz how could you have a vendetta against a little miniature pig" well news flash I don't he has a vendetta against me and I don't understand why

I mean I'm sweet kind and bubbly all I'm great with all animals which is the reason why I want to become a veterinarian but this pig did not like me and I didn't know why

For instance here is an incident that happened just last night

Me and Mabel was getting it on she was laid on the bed and I was standing of the bed you know... bent over her and we were just doing our thing having fun when suddenly he starts to ram his head into my legs

At first I thought I was maybe hurting Mabel because you know some pets have this psychic connections with their owners when they can tell something is wrong

Nope nothing and even after me and Mabel stopped he kept attacking until I left the manor and I swear to the man upstairs that pig had the biggest smug look on his face as I was leaving

So note to self learn how to prepare pig

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