So what

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Mabel POV

Hitting my final home run of the night gaining four points and putting us in a 15-point lead. I was angry and upset and had no problem beating the opposition into the ground as a way to take care of my anger.

Turning around to where the cheerleaders would stand I noticed that Pacifica wasn't there with her little friends Brittany and Beatrice. Shity name for a city bitch

And I don't care if I'm being a bit of a green-eyed monster. I can tell when someone's trying to take what's mine and I refuse to stand for it.

Sitting down at a bench took a few sips from my water bottle laying my head back when a large buzzer rang "game over" as they say it

As with game protocol we all got up gave high fives and did our celebratory chant but I couldn't care about that all I wanted to do was see Pacifica and confirm whether or not she was a good girlfriend or if I'm gonna have to guilt trip her

And it is exhausting to do that. I have to like cry and beg on my knees making it so people think she's the abusive one and all I want to do is have sex. Why must relationships be so drama

Walking off of the field I walked over to Pacifica where she laughed and giggled with her friends introducing her dad to them. It made me sick, who the hell introduces their friends to their dad before their girlfriend

"Hey Paz" my hands were in my pocket as I called Pacificas name. Turning her attention away from her friends and towards

"Uhm dad this is mine" before Pacifica could answer the question her dad pulled me into a hug "you play ball well. Welcome to the family"

I could feel my happiness level almost overflow "I'm so happy to be apart" slapping my back he let go of "take care of my girl she's too pure for this world"

"I'm well aware sir" Pacifica sighed throwing her arm over my shoulder "dad I'm not that pure believe it or not. I can be rebellious when I want to"
Her dad scoffed "you say tomato I say tomato. Which reminds Mabel"

"Uh yes sir" I felt nervous all of a sudden maybe it was the good girlfriend me kicking in

"One doesn't call me sir just call me Johnson and second why don't you come to dinner with us and invite your family and everything? Speaking of which where is your family are they in the stands or"

"They are not here. We all have other things to do and today just wasn't the day. But I could ask my brother and great uncles if they want to come"

For a second Pacificas dad's face went stoic then it was like a light bulb in his head flicked on "oh yes well I can't wait to meet them"

"Pacifica shall we head on out"

"Sure dad just give me a minute to talk to Mabel about something" nodding his head he walked away humming a jingle

"So what's up baby" I took Pacifica's hands holding them gently a giant smile on my face. Though she did not seem to share my same emotion

"I don't like what you did today" my smile dropped "did what"

"How you gave me an ultimatum. On whether or not I should tell my dad about a relationship. So you realize how bad that could have ended" I rolled my eyes pulling my hands away from Pacifica. Now I gotta guilt trip her again

"But it didn't do it. So there is no reason for you to be acting like this. Especially when you've been a very bad girlfriend all week"

Pacifica looked shocked by my answer but it was the truth. "And I know what you're going to say. And I won't deny I can be possessive. And controlling hell even needy. But the reason for it" I turned around tears swelling in my eyes

"I don't think I deserve you. hell I'm worth you and I'm so afraid that one day you may meet someone who deserves you. and you will leave me" I started sniffing as I felt Pacifica caress my arm

A smirk ran up my face before turning back into a frown "and that's my worst nightmare. Because being with you makes living ten times better and I'd rather die than be without you." I turned to Pacifica her annoyed face vanished turning into a face of worry

"Oh, Mabel I never knew you would feel like this." Ahh I truly am brilliant

"But that doesn't excuse what you did. I will forgive you for now. But please don't ever do that again" Pacifica pulled me into a hug

Looking up at the sky I bit my lip "yeah sure"

Honey. Sugar. IceTea (second book to love is blind)Where stories live. Discover now