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Pacifica POV

I got out of the limousine and stepped inside of the manor it was Friday and I haven't seen mabel for two days and now she sent me a text asking me to come over and to bring some chocolate. at first I was a bit surprised because I hadn't received a text from her in two days I haven't seen her but I came anyways with some chocolate of course

The minute I walked in the house I felt a chill run up my spine. It was quiet to quiet and there was no one in sight but I continued on

Soon I arrived in front of mabels room. As my knuckles touched the door it opened like it was never closed

"Uh mabes you in here" I walked into the room and jumped at the sound of the door closing suddenly. I ran to the door and saw that the handle was jammed and wouldn't move

"Mabel if this is a prank it's not funny.." I began to choke on my tears "not funny at all" that's when the lights turned on in the rather dark room and there mabel sat on her chair with waddles on her lap and a glass of wine in hand

"You know Pacifica some days I envie you. You were born with a vagina and a penis yet your vagina is secondary and has no reproductive function." Mabel put her glass down and walked up to me "While I have to suffer every month" mabel chuckled and moved a piece of hair away from my face

"I'm sorry.." I took the chocolate out of the bag and placed it on the table. I can't believe that Mabel was on her period and I didn't even know " Is their anything I could do to make you feel better" I took Mabel's hands and then kissed them

"There is something. You could help me with the pain" i had giant smile on my face "of course I will help what's first. Warm bath oil message" mabel smashed her lips against my mouth and pushed me onto the bed "that all sounds nice but I rather just have sex"

Mabel crawled on my lap and took of her robe revealing her naked body " I hope you like red velvet hunny"

Mabel pulled down my pants and boy shorts and grabbed my flaccid length and began stroking it fast making loud fapping sounds

Jumping at the feeling of her tongue licking my tip her head bobbing up and down my shaft my face turned pink and I felt like I was losing myself in Mabel's warm mouth

Mabel pulled my shaft out of her mouth drool running down her chin "there you go nice and hard" mabel straddle herself on my hips and slowly went down on my length

A smile of pleasure stretched across Mabel's face. She bounced up and down my lap her behind slapping against my thighs

"God I know it's only been a week but I feel like I forgot how good it is to bounce up and down on my girlfriends cock" she leaned over pressing her breast into my face

Hitting me either her oh so familiar sent. I could feel my lust for Mabel taking over and to her surprise I flipped her over and started pounding into her

Biting into her neck leaving hickeys and bite marks all around her neck. Mabels nails clawed at my back leaving red scratches along my back "oh god Paz I love it when you take the lead.." her arms wrapped around my neck "pound my cunt just like that. AHHHHA YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO GOOD"

She blurted out suddenly not caring if anyone heard her moans  "I'm happy that I can make you feel good to" we smashed our lips together our tounges exploring each other's mouth in a fiery passion while my hips continued to slam against Mabel's creamy rump

Turning the white supple color to a bright pink. Pacifica could feel her climax coming "oh mabes I think I'm gonna come"

Mabels legs wrapped around my waist pulling me in closer and tears rushed down her face "come in ne I want to feel one and in love with you" . My hips sped up my jaw clenched and with one final thrust I shot out all of my white stuff into Mabel's warm tight cuny

My legs gave out and I collapsed on top of Mabel's chest slowly pulling myself out allowing my cum mixed with Mabel's blood to flow out

" I'm so tired" I mumbled as I grabbed the sheet from off the side of the bed and threw it onto both me and Mabel

"I'm so happy I have you" mabel kissed my head as we cuddled to sleep

Honey. Sugar. IceTea (second book to love is blind)Where stories live. Discover now