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Pacifica POV

My feet was on fire as I ran in the woods hopping over logs and stumps trying to get somewhere safe but at the same time praying that Mabel was okay

You see not to long ago I had volunteered to help Mabel gather intel about so new strange sightings in the woods and guess what we found a three headed wolf that for some strange reason mistook me for their long been dead owner and snatched me away luckily Mabel found me and saved me but

Instead of running of with me she decided to put an end to the creature and put it down so it may rest easy but mid fight the cave we were in collapsed leaving Mabel alone with that freak

And I was so mad because instead of helping Mabel or warning her about the incoming cave in I just stood their like and idiot and because of me Mabel could be dead

But just then I heard a twig snap and I turned around to see Mabel covered head to toe in blood "oh my lord are you okay"

Mabel chuckled "I'm perfectly fine baby don't worry it's not my blood" I wanted to hug Mabel but I didn't want to be covered in blood

"So im gonna guess you killed it" mabel nodded her head and giant smile on her face " I also brought you something. You could call it a little souvenir but first you have to close your eyes."

Doing as Mabel said I closed my eyes and held my hand out and she placed something wet and warm in my hands "okay open"

I slowly opened my eyes and to my horror I found a large heart in my hands "EWW MABEL WHAT THE HELL!!" I yelled at her at the same time dropping the heart

Mabel burst out laughing "What I thought you would like my heart" she picked up the organ and tossed it up and down as if it was a ball

"This isn't funny Mabel. This isn't funny" I looked through my bag trying to see if I had some wipes or something to get rid of this blood "okay and m sorry I did actually get you something here"

At first I was a little nervous taking anything from Mabel but I decided to trust her once more and found a rock "Uhm thank you"

"You supposed to open it" I arched my brow at Mabel and noticed a giant crack along the side of the rock

So with a little help form the surrounding trees I was able to crack it open to see thousands of beautiful pink crystal "it's a geode" Mabel nodded her head

"You like" I smile this was my first time ever seeing a geode before and "i love it I'm so happy I could kiss you" but then I remembered Mabel was still covered in blood

"Why don't we go home then we could make out okay" I nodded my head and followed Mabel as we walked back to her car

But in the back of my head I couldn't get out the fact that Mabel would joke about a heart like that

I always kinda found Mabel to be a bit of a dominatrix but never sadistic

But maybe it was just a bit of gallows humor to help her cope with the fact that her almost got crushed by some boulders or the fact that she had to fight a scary beast on her own and then find a way out

Yeah it was probably just gallows humor I doubt Mabel would actually take pleasure in seeing others pain

But anyways after a few minutes of walking and at least an hour drive we made it up to the manor waddles ignoring me as usual

Will being a cool dude mason just chilling and well to be honest I can't really say much about the uncles because I never see them that much

But anyways as we got to her room Mabel stripped almost immediately making my face turn red  "aren't you coming"

"What.." Mabel chuckled "to bath with me" "we'll I mean yeah but don't you want to shower some of that blood off of you first"

Mabel looked at herself and rolled her eyes "I'll be there in a second okay" and with that she turned around and went in her way

"Uhh lord save me from this woman"

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