A change

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Pacifica POV
Finale(part 4)

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror with my shirt off I looked at my scars that were now faded out.

As I touched them flashes of the night burst into my head. And I felt like crying

When I heard a knock on the door

My first thought was that it was Mabel but then I remembered Mabel doesn't knock

So I whipped my tears and put on my shirt opening the door to see Will. Out of breath and jittery

"Is something wrong William"

"Yes and no It's Mabel. She's giving birth" My eyes widened as my head started spinning "Oh god don't pass out right now we have to go"

Grabbing my hand William did one of those jump-teleport things without warning me.

And that made me feel as if my guts just got re-arranged.

Looking around I found myself in a hospital. It's a fancy one too.

"Theirs the father. Or should we say, mother? Eh, who knows" turning my head to see candy. dressed like she was the crown princess of some modern-day country.

And next to her grenda who well looked the same "Aren't you excited to be a mother at 16" Looking down, I held my arm

"Yeah totally" Kicking my feet I tried to hold on to the tears in my eyes when Will tapped my shoulder

"Let us go. Mabel is expecting you to be there" Nodding my head I followed William

While following behind I thought of how my life was going to be from now on. Mabel seemed to be excited to be having a kid with me so maybe she will be a great mother.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if she dumps all the responsibility of being a parent on me. And barely comes home knowing her past.

But whatever I have to deal with I will just push through it. Like what I've done with my life so far.

"Where here" Looking up from my feet to the room I took a deep breath and opened the door

Stepping into the room Mabel lay on the bed seemingly passed out. I sat next to her on a small stool and caressed her hand

"Are you the other mother" Looking up at the doctor I nodded my head

"Well is like to report that the twins are healthy." I let out a breath of relief

"And it seems we've made a slight mistake with the gendering. On the scan, we believed that one was a boy and the other was a girl. But it seems that one IS a girl while the other is intersex"

I felt butterflies in my stomach "It's alright no harm done" a big smile on my face I was practically vibrating in my seat

'She's like me I thought to myself as I watched Mabel slowly wake up

And for some reason, the happiness in my body was practically sucked out of my body

"What did I miss" a smile on Mabel's face as she looked at me with love in her eyes

Honey. Sugar. IceTea (second book to love is blind)Where stories live. Discover now