And so on

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Pacifica POV

"So are you gonna tell me what's going on."  Mabel scoffed "what does it look like we're doing? We're shopping"

"Yeah illegally shopping" looking around the mall at how everyone including animals was frozen. And Mabel decided to take advantage of this to go on a shopping spree taking things for free.

"oh please if they didn't want me taking their stuff then they shouldn't have gotten frozen in time" chuckling Mabel walked into a mattress store throwing her shopping bags onto the nearest bag relaxing onto the bed

"Hey, Paz why don't we give this bed a test? see just how much it can take" a smirk on her face she tapped the spot next to her

Sighing I collapsed onto the bed next to her smushing my face into the premade sheets "ugh what's bothering you now" Mabel groaned rubbing my back gently

Rolling over onto my back I sighed "well maybe it's because my girlfriend has frozen time for some strange reason. And instead of telling me why she decided to drag me along for an illegal shopping spree"

"Seriously. Don't you want to at least have a bit of fun first? We can do literally anything you want. All those intrusive thoughts can finally come out without you worrying about consequences" scooting closer to me she pushed her breast to my arm her hand resting on my belly

"Who doesn't want that? I mean there have been plenty of times when I wanted to let my intrusive thoughts get the best of me. But I still don't think this is a good idea"

"You and your stupid morals" Mabel sat up in the bed and it was obvious she was angry "why won't you just fuck me already"

"Uhh maybe because you still haven't told me why you froze the world"

"That's not important right now. What is important is that I want a couple of inches in me." Grabbing the collar of my shirt Mabel sat on top of me "or we can have sex after you tell me why YOU FROZE TIME"

"If I tell you why I froze time can we finally have sex"

"One it's only been a few days since we last did it and two yes if you tell me we can have sex. On a mattress in a public store"

Mabel sighed bitting her lips "it's because Will is dying. Or we'll I should say was dying" a frown slithered its way onto my face "he's fine now. But if we didn't stop time I feared he might have died" sitting up I pulled Mabel into a hug

"Wow, I'm sorry I shouldn't have forced you to speak. It's just lately you seem so different" wrapping my arms around her torso and rubbing her back "it's harder to connect with you than it used to be"

I could feel Mabel's heartbeat agents my ear. Her breathing had slowed and she seemed to be calm

"What would it take for you to love me"

"What I already love you"

"No love love me. Love me to the point where you are borderline obsessed with me and you feel like you can never let me go"

"Uhm I don't think that's a very healthy thing to want in your relationship"

"Not like that. I meant it like marriage what would it take for you to marry me now"

Laying down on the bed "like now now"

"Well, not now now. More like next month or the end of the year"

Scratching my head I thought for a minute "well you would have to give me." That's when the idea popped into my head

"My ideal world." Mabel cocked her head at me "and what would that be"

"Well everyone is treated equally. The rich won't get everything whilst the poor have nothing. People pay for their crimes and the ones who are falsely accused will be set free. No one can judge you based on your skin collar gender or sexuality using religion. And Animals won't be forced out of their homes to build empty parking lots for big chains like Walmart or target. A world like that"

"A world that would never exist. And I someone was able to give me that world" I scoffed "I'd marry them on the spot."

"Even if they were a bit psychotic and had many mental issues."

"Pshh if they were able to change the world into a better place then are they really a bad person" a smile stretched on Mabel's face she looked very pretty her cheeks becoming flushed

"I'll do it"

"Your gonna make my perfect world a reality"

Taking my hands Mabel kissed them gently "yes I will do it for you. But you must promise me that I will be able to marry you"

I was lost for words but finding Mabel's gesture as crazy and stupid as it may be quite romantic "okay"


"Yeah I'll do it" pulling me into a hug Mabel kissed my cheek "oh baby I love you"

Suddenly the blue tint started flickering and for a moment the world had frozen only for it to freeze back

"Oh kiss me Pazy" internally cringing at the nickname I kissed Mabel feel her hands go around my body

"Now let's get these clothes off"


Wow, we are getting closer to the final climax of this story, and soon the end I can't believe it's come this far. But I'm happy you are all enjoying this. If it wasn't for y'all I don't think I would have the energy to finish this book

So thanks 👍

Honey. Sugar. IceTea (second book to love is blind)Where stories live. Discover now