Your my dad

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Pacifica POV

I sat in mabels car swaying left and right. music played on the radio I was happy and giddy on cloud nine nothing in the world could make me feel sad right now maybe seeing an animal hurt but anything other than that ill be perfectly fine.

"you're in a good mood" I nodded my head a giddy smile on my face "yeah. that was like the best birthday party ever"

A small giggle left Mabel's mouth "I'm so happy you enjoyed it" she kissed my cheek as we pulled into the mystery shack yard

"Oh, that reminds me I have a gift for you for Valentine's Day I completely forgot." Mabel parked the car taking turning the key "so do you want me to come out or"

"You could come out" I opened Mabel's door sliding out of the car making sure to close it back before slipping my way over to the shack

That's when I made out a brown-haired man on the Pritchard wearing a white apron. It reminded me of my dad's white apron

'Great uncle must have invited over a friend or something I thought as I continued walking but soon the man with the apron started to look very familiar

Like un ironically familiar. That's when I noticed the Mario shirt he had on and my face dropped

"Daddy " Mabel chuckled "hehe that one's new" Mabel licked her lips as she looked at the scene she had walked into

"Pacifica sweetheart" I cringed and I could feel as if my whole body was squeezing itself becoming smaller "hi daddy"

Mabel looked at me and then my father and then at me and she gasped "Paz that's your daddy" I nodded my head

My father pulled me into a hug but I had a hard time hugging back because it seems that my world was falling on me "happy birthday sweetheart" he kissed my cheek "I'm sorry I couldn't come on your birthday but I'm here now and I'm ready to celebrate"

"Hehe, he's just as much a nerd as you are" Mabel snicked "Uhm Paz are you gonna introduce me to your friend " I swallowed the lump in my throat.

oh, dingle balls!

"Uhh I'm not her friend I'm her..." before Mabel could finish her sentence I quickly interrupted her "She is my best friend in the whole wide world" Mabel's face dropped as she looked at me

"We'll It's nice to meet you" my father gave me one last kiss on my cheek before walking away

"What the hell was that" I shifted in my stance "your 'best friend' I'm your girlfriend for christ's sake. " Mabel was mad and if I didn't do anything to calm her down she might... "are you embarrassed by me" and there it is

"No, I'm not" tears rimmed Mabel's eyes "then why did you lie? If you weren't ashamed of me you would have told your father that I was your girlfriend" Mabel stepped far into my personal space gripping my arms "I'm not. I just panicked and I was scared."

"Scared of what!" Mabel yelled causing me to jump "look Mabel I understand your anger. But you must understand my parents aren't like yours" Mabel cocked her head at me "look I'll see you later at the game okay"

I reached out to hold Mabel but she turned on her heal and walked away mumbling something

"Why must everything be complicated"

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