big fun

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Pacifica POV

I was undeniably excited today was my fifteen birthday which is kinda of a shocker because for the past few months I've been doing 18 and up stuff which is absolutely crazy.

But I'm a little happy about it. Yeah my life could probably never go back to the way it was before but I'm not mad about it at all

I put my hair into some twin tails looking at the bathing suit Mabel bought for me it was a floral two piece that had matching swim trunks. My cheeks were red with excitement "I'm going to have some big fun!. "

"Sounds like someone's excited"  I turned to see Mabel a navy-blue two-piece bikini. Her hair is up and a light layer of makeup was on her face

"Well yeah this is my first pool party. And I'm turning FIFTEEN" mabel chuckled "come here your twin tails are crocked" i spun around almost whiplashing mabel with my hair "you look so nice in your bathing suit. i wasn't sure if it would fit you or not" i bit my lip as i squirmed in my seat "uhm thank you. you also look very good in your bathing suit"

mable kissed the side of my neck as sh finsihed my hair. her hands ran down my chest "your sweet. oh but that reminds me" mabel reached over to her dresser picking up a small thin present wraped in unicorn wrapping paper "here open it birthday girl" she handed me the present and i hurriedly unwrapped it

it was a small thin black book with happy 'Valentine's Day' in graved in gold "aww mabel" i opened the book my eyes went wide and my face turned red "what is this" mabels smile turned upsdie down "you don't like" i swalled the lump in my throat "i-i didnt say that. what is this"

"it's my boudoir photos. do you like them i got them done just for this occasion" i looked back at the photos in the book before looking back at mabel my face was red. how could i  not like it

mabel was undeniably gorgeous her body was an undeniably 100/10. her amrs and legs ahd muscle definition from her playing softball.her thighs were big and plump and i could just from looking at the picture she had amazing skin

dressed in her signature navy blue lace underwear and a silky white ribe she posed infront of the camera in many diffrent poses showing off all of her best features

and if im being honset mabel only has best feauturess. but what really caught my eyes was a picture off her unlike all the other ones she was dressed in red and wow did she look good in it

"its really nice" i closed the book trying to calm the bonner arising in my pants when I heard cheering and a lot of voices
"Looks like party starting"

Mabel grabbed her my hand and practically yanked me out of the chair pulling me from out of the room into the main area of the large manor

People came in through the door holding drinks a random barrel and gifts. To which the many many maids and butler's would take placing it in a large pile

"Oh my gosh are all those presents mine!" I squealed as I look at the large hill of beautiful wrapped gifts

"You bet it is baby" I gave Mabel a hug kissing her on her cheek before running out to the lounge area looking at all the decorations and the three tier infinity pool animal cake

"Yo Pacifica" I turned to see mason a drink in his hand his face a light pink "uhh hi mason" he threw his arm around my shoulder

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