The holidays

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Mabel POV

I hated Christmas and no I'm not a some type of evil krampus it's just that every Christmas that I have had in the last 10 years have been absolutely shit. But this time around I had Pacifica so their is a chance that this time around it won't be complete shit

So here I was sitting at the dinner table with waddles in my lap waiting and hoping that Pacifica might show up to make this day be a lot less shity

Just then I felt hands cover my eyes and the smell of peppermint chocolate assaulted my nose "guess who it's is" I pulled the hands down from my eyes to my lips planting a small kiss on both of them "hello Pacifica"

"Hi Mabel.. and waddles" Pacifica pulled up a chair and sat next to me "merry Christmas Mabel" Pacifica smiled softly as she handed me a box "ahh Paz you didn't have to" the box wasn't large it looked to be as big as my palm and was quite light

"Come already open it. I've been waiting all day to give you it" I chuckled and opened the box to see a necklace in it. The necklace was silver and had a large half heart pendant with a m on the front and some inscription on the back "Your the maple... is that all"

Pacifica reaches into her shirt and pulled out a necklace that looked like mine except there was a p on hers. She then put the two heart pieces together making it spell out

Your the maple to my pancakes

"Maple to my pancakes" Pacifica giggled "yeah because your names sounds like maple and what goes better than pancakes and maple syrup..." Pacifica then intertwined our fingers "and the best part about it is since the hearts are magnetic whenever we kiss or get close to each other the hearts connect"

A idea sparked in my mind "even when we have sex" Pacifica face became flushed and she backed up causing the hearts to break apart "I see why not. but we would have to be very careful with our movements so we wouldn't make them break" I stood up and took Pacifica hand "why don't we go test that theory" I pulled Pacifica out of the dinning room up the stairs and to my bed room

We're we tested weather or not the necklace would stay together and I could happily say it was a success

As long as me and Pacifica didn't move our upper bodies that much we were able to have got and steamy sex with the necklace attached

And then came my favorite part of sex the after care but this time I didn't get my aftercare because in seemingly a hurry Pacifica jumped out of bed put on her clothes and left leaving me sad and alone

She told me that her "uncle" didn't want her staying over here as much and because of that she had to return home

So I did what any rational person would do when your loved ones family kept trying to ruin your relationship

Write their names down in a list of people who you plan on killing once you take over the world

But then I began to think Pacifica would most likely not let me kill him so instead I put him in the potential blackmail list where Gideon and her two friends were in case Pacifica decides to leave me when our plan begins to show its head

My wrist began to twitch and a large grin was on my face "I think I'm in the mood for torture"

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