The truth

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Pacifica POV

(A/N I would just like to say that around the time of me writing this it is Halloween and I think that Mabel's and Pacifica couple costume would be WALL·E and Eva)

I sat down at a table in school flipping through a book I found in the library. it was a health book but I was more interested in looking in the mental health section than looking at the body diagrams like most of my classmates

and it took a bit of flipping till I got the section and the first thing that caught my attention was bipolar syndrome I wondered does Mabel have bipolar syndrome. no that would be way too on the nose I thought well that was before I started to look at the symptoms

mood swings, anger, risk-taking behavior, aggression, false belief of superiority, manic episodes, crying, impulsivity, and one that really hit home was excessive desire for sex. things like crying and anger were normal human emotions but things like risk-taking behavior and manic episodes were not so much

and for a while, I sat there in thought. what was I going to tell Mabel that she's bipolar I mean I should tell her but for some reason, I don't think she would take it so well. "baby what are you doing" I jumped at the sound of Mabel's voice "school is over. didn't you get my text" "oh sorry I was just doing a bit of research for class give me a second I will pack my things" Mabel nodded her head and walked away

I would have never expected mabel to appear behind of me at the same time I was thinking of her but I also didn't want to keep the same woman who could blow me up waiting especially if said woman has a hard time controlling her emotions so i hurried to put away all my things as well as checking out the mental health book to ask mabel some questions and hurried to catch up with her

"hey mabel" i grabbed Mabel's hand and clutched onto her arm "ready to go" I nodded my head and walked with her to her car "so what do you want to do" mabel got in the driver's seat putting her bag in the back seat along with mines and i got in the passenger seat, as usual, you all know how it goes

"want to go to that new cafe that opened"  mabel shrugged "sure why not" mabel put her hand on my thigh and turns on the car.  the drive was quiet as we pulled into the cafe parking lot

"So what are you getting" Mabel asked me as went inside and she sat down next to me and placed her hand on my thigh "Uhm nothing particular. Hey can I ask you a question"

"Sure what's up" I took Mabel's hands and kissed them"have you ever felt...actually are you mentally ill" mabel eyes widened "what were is this coming from"

"Well the other day you were acting strange and. so I did some research and many of the Things I've seen over the few months we've been together have been symptoms to bipolar depression."

I put my arm on Mabel's shoulder to which she looked at me. Her eyes wide her hands shaking "what's wrong" mabel suddenly stood up and walked out of the cafe "Mabel" I called for her but she didn't stop moving

I stood up from my seat and went outside to see Mabel walking away her hands in her hair towards the woods. I followed behind making sure to keep pace with her not to lose her

But soon she stopped walking and sat down on a tree log her head on her lap "mabel what's wrong"

"Just leave me alone" I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist "if you don tell me what's wrong how do ou expect me to help you feel better" Mabel mumbled something  through her tears

"What" "I said you'd hate me!" mabel began to sob so I pulled her closer to me "I could never hate you never ever. But if you don't tell me what's wrong I could get upset and angry. Because I hate you see you cry" I wiped away some of Mabel's tears

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