Whats so wrong about beinng scared

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Pacifica POV

I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked through the hallway with my cheer squad I couldn't g wet the argument I had with Mabel out of my head. And to think my day was going so good

Walking into the changing room whistle and stares filled the room from the softball girls. Though unlike how we usually would act disgusted or uninterested. They seemed to enjoy the woman's gaze they relished in it

I mean half of the girl in the cheer squad wasn't gay. But I guess to them it was more of a joke and well being looked at by a woman instead of a man is two different experiences.

But I wasn't too interested in the homoerotic tension that would fill the locker rooms after all I had my drama to deal with

Walking to my locker I caught sight of Mabel cleaning her cleats, but I didn't pay any attention to her opening my locker and fixing my hair when my locker was slammed closed "Mabel what the hell."

"So are we gonna talk or what" I rolled my eyes "talk about what" "talk about how you are ashamed of me and don't tell your dad that we're dating" I put niches the bridge on my face "must you always make everything about you."

Mabel scoffed "I'm making everything about me" "yeah you are and not only that you're being ridiculously insensitive" I bit the inside of my cheek looking around to see that people had begun to look outway

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself "look Mabel I can see why you're upset. but coming out to my dad is a serious thing that I'm not ready to do. Contrary to popular belief It has nothing to do with you. And when the time is right, I will tell my dad that I am gay and tell him about you." Mabel rolled her eyes running her fingers through her hair

"Fine then let me help make the time right." Mabel got up in my face "you have until the end of the day to tell your or dad or else. We're done." The locker room went silent people everyone was shocked to disbelieve

"Your joking right." My eyes darted around the room as the chatter began to pick up again "no I'm not I'm being serious Pacifica. Do it or we're done" "but that's not fair. Mabel, you know how my parents are. There Christians they would most likely kick me out and disown me"

"That doesn't sound too bad. you could permanently move to gravity falls. And we would never be separated" I couldn't believe what Mabel was saying I was shocked and my eyes were full of tears so with a heavy heart I gave in "okay Mabel I will tell my dad"

Pinching my chin Mabel lifted my face making me look her in the eye before she kissed me. It was a hollow and empty kiss and I didn't like it thankfully before it got too deep coach walked in telling us it was time to go. And annoyed Mabel let go of me. Giving a terrifying stare reminding me of what I had to do.

A few minutes went by and the game had officially started as cheerleader's job was to hype up the crowd and "entice" our team players along with the mascot

"What's wrong with you Pacifica? You would usually be the one with the most spirit but this time around you seem out of it" I sighed was it that obvious that I was miserable

"Mabel and I got into an argument. She wants me to come out to my dad"  "who is your dad" looking around the audience I pointed to him and she almost immediately squealed

"Oh my god that's your dad he's so hot" I winced at the sound of someone saying my dad was hot "who's dad is hot" my friend Brittany chimed in "pacficas dad. He's the one with the chestnut brown hair and wearing a flannel over a wife beater" to which her mouth fell agape  "aren't they called woman pleasers"

"He could please me with those strong shoulders" my brain started melting "stop please" both of them laughing at my reaction finding it very amusing

"Okay okay, we're done. To continue with the drama" a deep sigh leaving my body "you probably heard the drama in the Locker room but Mabel plans on breaking up with me if I don't come out to my dad. And tell him I'm in a relationship with Mabel or else are relationship goes down into the trash" looking back at my dad he waved at me with a giant smile on his face

I quickly looked back in front of me my eyes connecting with Mabel's beautiful blue eyes and the look she gave me spoke volumes 'do as I say or you shall pay' I could feel a cold sweat running down my back. Needless to say, I was scared and even more worried

Mabel was not one to pull fingers but she did enjoy breaking them slowly and painfully or at least that's what Gideon tells me

"Look Pacifica we want to give you our thoughts on the matter. But something tells us we aren't the best people to ask for advice" I groaned they were right. None of them would have to deal with coming out to their parents if their straight minus the homosexual tension that was the locker room

Biting my lip a whistle blew my attention turning to the field my jaw almost dropping "holy shit they are already in the seventh inning"

I began to feel my stomach twisting and my head becoming light. uhh I think I'm gonna be sick "hey I'm going to get some water I will be right back" patting my friend on her shoulder I walked back towards the school

Sliding down onto the ground I sat in the fetal position my eyes became watery. "What am I supposed to do"

"Supposed to do what" my head snapped up my dad standing next to me "dad I. I didn't hear you come" sitting down next to me he put his hand on my shoulder "I saw you run off what's bothering you" I sighed

"Were there ever a moment in your life where you were afraid to do something because Ethier is a chance you could lose someone important to you but if you didn't you would lose someone else" my father ran his fingers threw his hair fixing his snap back "yeah. you remember Bruno the pet dog." I nodded my head. Bruno was a black Labrador that my dad got from a shelter.

"As you knew Bruno got sick. and he was not getting better so the doctors told us it was best to put him to sleep. and at first, I didn't want to put him down but after realizing how much he was suffering and even though it would hurt me more than anything I knew that putting him to rest is better than having him suffer any longer."

I sniffled I always had a soft spot for animals "so if your problem is anything like mine" I bit my lip my whole body was shaking and I found it very hard to breath

"Dad I'm... I'm" I could feel my heart in my throat "your gay" my eyes widened "how did you.." "Well I had a feeling plus I had a little chat with your "best friend" and the way she described your relationship had little to no hetero explanation"

My face was red and I felt as if I was suffocating "so do you" "still love and adore my only daughter. You know it" my dad pulled me closer to him "I love you sweetie and I will always love you. Not matter what" tears began to run down my cheeks

"Your my sweetheart and I will always love and adore you" I clung onto my dad rubbing my tears away into his shirt "thank you, Daddy"

"Uhm I hate to ruin the sentiment moment but" looking back to see Brittany "it's time for the big finale" Brittnay grabbed my arm yanking me from off the floor

"Let's talk more later okay dad" with a big grin on his face he gave me a thumbs up

"Super hot" Brittany chimed in as she waved goodbye to my dad

"Leave my dad alone

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