I love you

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Mabel POV

I rested my head on Pacifica shoulder as I scrolled through my phone. the tv was on but I wasn't to interested in what was playing

Outside snow poured down hard making the mansion extremely cold. Or maybe it was because i decided to just wear a robe and undies. But anyways almost all the fire places were lit. because for some reason despite this being the  21 century my uncles didn't have the mansion be built with heaters.

But I wasn't to upset. Because it's just gave me more of a reason to be all cuddled up with MY Paz.

"So Mabel what do you want for Christmas" I laughed at her question "one nothing you could afford and two don't you think it's a little late to be asking that" Pacifica sighed and her smile turned into a frown. "Yeah your right I just want to get something special for a special person like you" at that moment I felt my heart ache. I didn't like seeing Pacifica sad because it made my heart ache. And filled me with anger making me want to destroy who even and what ever made her sad. But this time around I'm what made her sad "hey baby it is okay. Your the greatest gift I could ever get"

I cupped her cheeks her eyes seemed to be teary. "Really thank you" Pacifica pressed her lips against mines catching me off guard but soon are tongues intertwined and it was hot

"I'm so sorry to interrupt the passionate moment but Mabel I need your help" I pulled away from Pacifica and then took a good look at my brother

"Can't you see I'm busy" I pulled Pacifica face into my cleavage  smiling at the feeling of her warm body touching mines. "Yea but it's quite urgent" I rolled my eyes and pushed Pacifica off of me. Getting up from off of the couch "I'll be right back okay sweetie"

Pacifica smiled and wrapped herself in the blanket "okay i will be waiting for you" my heart couldn't help but flutter she had looked so cute.  'Once I get back I'm going to shower her with kisses' I thought as I followed mason into the main room of the manor

"So what is it" mason snapped his fingers and the journal fell onto his hands "you remember the demon dog heart I had you get" I rolled my eyes "of course. I still can't believe you made me use Pacifica as bait" I made sure to whisper that last part not wanting Pacifica to accidentally hear it

"Well turns out the heart can be used for a lot of things. but most importantly be used to summon quite a dangerous beast." I arched my brow "does that mean we're finally half way through the plan" dipper scoffed " we are more than half way"

I couldn't but smirk. the thought of me and dipper ruling the world was like how Pacifica got excited over her favorite brand of candy 

"Wonderful.." my eyes looked around the room until I spotted Will in the kitchen "will be a dear and make me a cup of as well as a cup of hot chocolate for Pacifica"

Will floated out of the kitchen with a tray "already did it" I took the two cups off of the tray and walked over to Pacifica who was still cuddled up watching tv

"Paz I'm back and I got you some hot chocolate" Pacifica jumped up at the sound of hot chocolate

I gave her the hot chocolate one and I placed my tea on the table "so what did dipping sauce" I couldn't help but giggle at Pacifica nickname for mason "he just wanted my opinion on something not thing important" Pacifica sipped on her hot chocolate through her wafer straw

But somehow she was able to get cream all over her mouth "oh my god Pacifica your such a child" Pacifica cocked her head "you have cream all over your face" I giggled and pulled out a napkin and wiped away her face

"There is all gone" and for a moment it was just silent between. Pacifica put down her "I love you mabel"

"I really really really really love you" a smile creeped onto my face "I really really really love you to Paz"

"Ever since I met you it's like my whole life changed in one week but I'm not mad in fact I'm ecstatic. Because it feels like every thing I was taught to hate and believe was wrong and it's like a huge eye opener. And not in a bad way like before I thought sex was a bad thing and should only be used for reproduction never pleasure. But now I can confidently say that I love having sex with you and It makes me feel so happy..... and I love you I love you I love you I love you" Pacifica rested her head on my chest

I was quite shocked by Pacifica sudden outburst but soon I found my heart beating out of control

I raised my hand looking at the ring that Pacifica gave me in my finger "I love you to"

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