Found you

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Mabel POV

Pulling a knife out of the newest addition to my bed body collection I made sure to carve the correct sigil into its body. William's old body had run its course and it was time for a new one. The body was quite small and frail probably a twink and compared to his old body it didn't compare. But it will get the job done.

"Oh, sister I have news for you."
I rolled my eyes hearing mason's voice echo through the manor's basement "what is it I'm busy."

"Yes, yes yes. But I must tell you William did a scan over the town turns out that little blonde bimbo of yours wasn't affected by the spell. And as we speak is on the move. I think she's looking for you."

I sighed I didn't need this right now "fine I will deal with it just let me finish with Will's new body" a chuckle left his mouth as a blue triangle floated into the room" that's my new body."

I chuckled under my breath "no stutter this time" looking at him from the corner of my eye his top hat drooped over "uhm" lifting my finger I stabbed the body once more watching as the seal began to glow " MH all that's left is a little binding" grabbing an old necklace from of the table I took wills small little twig arm and slit his hand black blood oozing out like thick tar.

Running the necklace across his wound rubbing the blood onto the necklace I put it over the dead body's neck watching as the body glowed even brighter and slowly William was sucked into the body. The sigil on its stomach heals its body and turns to fit will standards.

"Now why do you deal with that I'm going to go have a chat with my lovely Paz. Speaking of which where is she."

Looking at will I sighed "oh yes I forgot you can't speak in that state" wiping the blood off my hands I run my hair through my fingers "eenie meenie, miny Moe I bet she went to the tent of telepathy... Yō" ugh she is rubbing off on me.

Fixing my clothes, I did a quick portal jump to the tent looking around until I noticed that the door to my research area was open "Jesus of all the places she could have wondered herself into" stepping into the room I watched as she picked up the spell book flipping through the pages.

Making a knife appear I stood behind her waiting for her to turn around. The look on her face when she did turn was quite hilarious.

"Mabes uhm what's up you know with stuff" I arched my brow stepping closer to her the knife inching ever so slowly towards her neck "I'd like to as you the same thing" Pacifica's eyes darted around the room before she suddenly lunged at me pushing my hand aside pressing her lips against mines.

Her hands caressed my face her tongue licked my lips I could feel my knees getting weak from how hot and horny the kiss was. Pulling her lips from me I had a giant smirk on my face.

"Wow~" a smile on Pacifica's face I giggled, "you think just because you give me a hot sexy kiss, I'm going to forget what you're doing" Pacifica's smile dropped as I pushed her back into the wall.

"Jesus this isn't a movie or some type of cheap fanfic why you would think that would work." Pacifica scrunched up against the wall as I walked closer to her "okay okay. I'll... spill the beans."

"It all started when I was drawing some animals in my sketchbook. and then I drew this Siamese cat. It looked like you so a decision to draw a Siamese cat as you came out great btw. But that doesn't matter. Whilst drawing I had Beyoncé playing over the radio because she is an inspiration. And then I noticed the radio had stopped so when I went to go and fix it. It blared this loud sound then I got lifted into the air. and then there was a bright light, and I was slammed back onto the ground my back still hurts." I stared at her as if everything she said was complete utter nonsense.


"I don't know what I'm doing. That's why I came to the tent to ask you what's happening."

I stared at her "so you don't know why you're not frozen" she shook her head no.

"Turn around" slowly Pacifica turned towards the wall "now take off your shirt Pacifica's head snapped back at me.

"Now hold on you think just backed me into a corner you can do whatever you want with my body" glaring at her Pacifica swallowed the lump in her throat and started to take off her jacket. Taking off her shirt I put my fingers on her back causing her to jump.

Her back started to glow a bright blue. Looking over the glyph I put on her back bounding her to me. "Uhm is everything okay" I chuckled.

"Everything fine."

"Then why is my back glowing" I sighed "I put a glyph on you while you were sleeping to keep you safe. We wouldn't want the unicorn fiasco to happen again. Now would we" Pacifica giggled finding the whole ordeal to be funny.

"It seemed that the glyph interfered with the time-stopping spell." Kissing her back gently I could feel her heartbeat speed up "lucky you."

Removing my finger from her back the glyph stopped glowing "you can put your shirt on now" Pacifica sighed putting her clothes back on before turning around

"So what do you want to do"

Honey. Sugar. IceTea (second book to love is blind)Where stories live. Discover now