Tears on silk

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Pacifica POV

Today was the last day of Christmas break and Mabel decided she wanted to spend that day shopping with me.... And her friends

And like always I was Mabel's personal bag holder not that I minded. I liked being helpful and if holding Mabel's newly bout luxury items made her life a little easier than I have little to no problem holding her bags

The problem Mabel's freinds they don't really like me and for reasons I don't know why. They often pick on me and most of the time Mabel doesn't do anything about it. So when Mabel told me we were going shopping I was so excited

Because there were these shoes that I have been dying to get and Mabel said she would buy them for me. Though I do feel a little bad about spending Mabels money she reassured me that her happiness was my happiness. And if buying a pair of SpongeBob Christmas vans made me happy then she would most definitely buy them

But then here comes my shock when I get into Mabel's car her friends sat in the backseat and for someone reason the minute I got into the car candy was glaring at me

It felt like knives were being held to the back of my head making the drive unbearable but I tried my best to ignore it seeing as how we would most likely be spending a few hours together

But it seemed as if once we arrived at the mall instead of glaring at me she decided to get in between me and Mabel practically pushing me to the side

Grenda on the other hand was quite and continued to type on her phone ignoring me completely

But anyways it was like a semi normal shopping spree meaning I was the one caring all of Mabel's bags but like always I didn't mind I loved Mabel more than anything in the world and her happiness was my happiness

"Paz could you come here for a quick second" Mabel tugged on my jacket collar and then proceeded to pull me to the dressing rooms "I want you to rate some of my outfits.. and be honest" mabel patted my check "of course mabel" I went to go sit down on a chair nearby when Mabel grabbed my arm "where are you going" I pointed to a chair not to far from Mabel dressing room

"I'm gonna go sit down while you change" Mabel tugged on my arm pulling me closer to her "no can do paz I need you in the room with me" my face turned pink as Mabel pulled me into the room and sat me down on the bench


A few minutes went by and my face was as read as a tomato and i was pretty sure I had a boner  thank fully my jacket was big enough that it covered it

"There you two are" I turned my head to see candy and grenda walking towards me and Mabel with bags "here bimbo hold this" candy tossed her bags at me suddenly "and don't drop them they cost more than you entire outfit"

I felt a slight pain in my chest and I expected mabel to stand up for me in some form away but was shocked when she just kept walking away

"So where we're you two" Mabel pointed at one of the shops "really I didn't see you two in there" "we were in the dressing. Pacifica was helping me chose some sleepwear"

My face turned a bright pink as candy looked back at me a smirk grew in her face "I bet you enjoyed that didn't you" candy poked my cheek "staring at mabels body in sexy sleepwear like the pervert you are" my cheeks began to burn and my eyes became watery "I'm not a pervert" I tried to yell out but it was more like a whisper

"Candy leave Pacifica alone you know how sensitive she is.." grenda finally put her phone away "like a little baby" grenda bumped her shoulder against mine causing me to drop some of the bags I had in my hand

The items in the bags fell out onto the floor "great job Pacifica look what you did now" I placed the other bags I had gently on the floor and began picking up the items from off the floor "it's wasn't my fault grenda bumped into me causing me to drop it" i glared at candy

And then looked at Mabel who wasn't even looking my way while she drank her smoothie. I was angry and confused couldn't she see that her friends were bullying her girlfriend and if so why isn't she stopping them

Why is she letting them do and say mean things to me did I do something wrong is that why she letting her friends pick on me

Does she not love me anymore

Wait what am I saying of course she loves just yesterday mabel was showering me with kisses did something happen when I left the manor and if so was it my fault

I finally put all of the clothes and stuff back into their bags and picked them up when I noticed that Mabel grenda and candy had started to walk away without me

I ran to try and catch up to them but suddenly the mall became very crowded mixed with the fact that the bags I was carrying was quite heavy all together I lost them and was left all alone in the mall

I felt around my pockets to try and find my phone but that's when I realized I left it at home

I face palmed myself and sat down on the nearest bench 'don't freak out Pacifica everything is gonna be okay... I doubt Mabel and her friends would leave the mall without me seeing as how I have there stuff in fact I bet Mabel noticed that I wasn't behind of her and is on her way back her any minute now' I thought to myself

So I waited and waited and waited and thanks to my watch I noticed that three hours had gone by the sun was beginning to set and in three to four hours the mall would be closing

My fingers ran through my blonde hair 'they didn't forget me did they' I put my head down onto my lap and that's when I felt someone tap my shoulder

I raised my head to see Mabel by herself sucking on a lolli she tilted her head and the began to walk away

And I took that as it was time to go so I quickly picked up all the bags and I followed behind Mabel closely not wanting to get left behind again

As we exited the mall a blast of cold air hit my face and the sun began to fall behind the large pine trees

I opened Mabel's trunk and placed all of her bags in gently and practically threw in candys own and then closed the trunk and then hopped in the front seat

I looked around and saw that it was just me and Mabel in the car no grenda and no candy which confused me but I was also thankful because that meant I could relax without having to feel someone glaring at me for no reason

And soon Mabel drove off and the rain had begun to fall giving the quiet drive a soothing vibe but also quite uncomfortable

I'm so used to talking to Mabel or her putting her hands on my legs while we drive but so far she has been keeping to herself in the corner of her car and I begin to worry 'I hope nothing bad happened when mabel left me' I thought to myself as I twiddle my fingers

"Hey mabes you okay" mabel turned her head to me but didn't answer but instead sighed and pulled into an empty plot of land

"Mabel" I put my hand on her shoulder Mabel's eyes began to become teary. My heart was in my throat I really hoped nothing was wrong

"I love you so much" mabel pulled me into a hug and she buried her face into my shoulder. "Mhh you smell so sweet. Like cream and berries" mabel kissed my neck "you also smell really good like raspberries"

Mabel chuckled and began to squeeze me tighter "I'm sorry for the way I was acting today it's just that a lot of stuff is happening at home and i.." I pressed my lips against Mabels forehead "it's okay I forgive you" mabel chuckled and then kissed me softly on my lips

"I love you baby"

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